General Secretary Report

CfE Cutting Bureaucracy Report March 2015               *****IMPORTANT*****

Guidance for schools on

  1. Assessment – based on professional judgement, no need for large folios of evidence
  2. Forward Planning – NO need to plan, assess, record or report every outcome
  3. Monitoring and Reporting – use CAUTION with ICT planning and reporting systems
  4. Self Evaluation and Planning – “tick box” audit distracts from teaching and learning

SSTA to issue guidance to be used in Working Time Agreements negotiations.

Materials to be circulated to schools see

Education Scotland

  1. Review of the Inspection Process for implementation in the autumn 2017
  2. Meeting arranged on SSTA involvement with CfE Management Board (5 May)
  3. SSTA involvement in future consultation arrangements on education matters

SQA - New Qualifications

  1. The SSTA has met with the SQA and raised issues identified in the SSTA survey including bureaucracy, verification processes, information on website and training
  2. The survey also showed teachers removing themselves from the external qualification process. Further findings to be considered by the Education Committee
  3. Chief Executive of SQA to attend SSTA Congress and take part in a Q&A session

Supply Teachers

  1. SSTA is working with SNCT on improving the current arrangements including a national register and restoration of supply teacher pay rates.
  2. Information received from members, supply teacher shortage, highlighted in the press
  3. Supply teacher bulletin see

Flexible Working

SSTA Salaries Conditions of Service Committee is preparing updated guidance on Working Time Agreements for distribution by the end of April

Absence Management

  1. Increasing examples received of schools using the procedure to ‘bully’ teachers.
  2. SSTA advocating a review in LAs to produce a fair and supportive procedure

‘Named Person’ consultation

  1. Additional Support Needs advisory panel thanks members for their help in producing the SSTA response available on
  2. SSTA member’s fact sheet available on

Scottish Teachers for Enhancing Practice 21 March

SSTA sponsored event with participants appreciative of the association’s involvement

General Teacher’s Council Scotland

  1. Professional Update (PU) guidance for Senior Managers well received
  2. PU focus group meeting to discuss personal CPD entitlement and the reduction of the administrative procedures

 Ulster Teachers’ Union Conference 20 March

  1. Opposition to Education Budget Cuts and cost of living pay increase
  2. Social Media policy to protect teachers, pupils and schools
  3. Changes to produce a positive and supportive Inspection process

Association Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) 30 March – 1 April

  1. ATL to explore a closer working relationship with the NUT
  2. Workload survey to include impact on retention and recruitment of teachers and those in senior positions. Develop proposals to reduce workload and the shortage of teachers
  3. To campaign and raise awareness of issues faced by young carers
  4. Support for more practical work in the Curriculum and in Examination process
  5. Conference addressed by Labour Education spokesperson - committed to end Free Schools and review Ofsted but continued to promote the Academy School programme.

National Union of Teachers (NUT) 3 – 5 April

  1. Campaign to reduce teacher workload and to gain a national contract for teachers
  2. A national register of Supply teachers to end the exploitation by supply teacher agencies (more than 400 exist in England)
  3. Celebrate the benefits to education of older teachers
  4. Changes to GCSE has had a detrimental impact on schools and consider the end of examinations at 16 and possible review of the review of post-14 curricula

Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) 6 – 7 April

  1. Reduce class sizes – Primary classes of 24 and mixed classes (3 year groups) 15
  2. Extra teacher posts to meet increases in pupils with special needs
  3. Measures to allow NQTs to complete probation
  4. Increased investment in Continuing Professional Development

Association of Secondary Teachers’ in Ireland (ASTI) 7 – 9 April

  1. ASTI with the Teachers’ Union of Ireland (TUI) is taking industrial action to oppose the imposition of internal assessment of examination work (Junior Certificate).
  2. Both unions have agreed to work closer together in the future and potential merger.
  3. Agreement reached with government, to bring about the end the casualisation of teaching posts, the restoration of the pay levels of newly qualified teachers to those before the austerity measures were introduced, and only qualified teachers to work in schools

Scottish Trades Union Congress 20 – 22 April

  1. Motions on Trade unions and Employment Rights, Equality and Social Justice, Economy and Industry, International Issues, Civil and Public Services, Education, Skills and Lifelong Learning
  2. SSTA motions abolishing fees at Employment Tribunals and Government support for Young Carers passed unanimously
  3. Education Motions included ending child poverty and retention of ASN funding
  4. Congress was addressed by the First Minister and leader of the Labour Party


Forthcoming events:

  1. Health and Safety Reps training Friday 12 June, Stirling – new date
  2. School Reps training Friday 28 August, Stirling
  3. Senior Managers seminar to be re-arranged for autumn term
  4. May Day Rally – events in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Irvine

further information can be found on