Annual Congress 2015

The Association held it's 71st Annual Congress on Friday 8 May and Saturday 9 May 2015 at Crieff Hydro.

This page will be updated  with links to Reports and with video recordings of speeches and motions as they become available online.


General Secretary Congress report 2015


Report of the UK Teachers’ Superannuation Working Party – Fiona Dalziel


A list of the motions from Congress 2015 are available to view at this page.

Seamus Searson delivered the Report of the General Secretary at the SSTA Annual Congress on Friday 8 May 2015.

Ashley Cameron an Ambassador for 'Who Cares? Scotland' was the Guest Speaker at the SSTA Annual Congress on 8/9 May 2015, and delivered an informative and inspiring speech about her life in care, & since.

Dr Janet Brown, Chief Executive and Ronnie Summers, Head of Qualifications Development (CfE) of the SQA attended the SSTA Annual Congress on 8 May, and answered questions from delegates.