Members Bulletin - 15 May 2020

Teacher Unions United on Schools Opening in August
The SNCT Teachers’ Side has written the John Swinney, Deputy First Minister, urging caution in plans for reopening of schools. The position of all unions is that the safety of pupils and staff is and can only be the first consideration.It appears to us, therefore, that there is a strong argument to maintain a cautionary approach and to reinforce such by indicating schools will reopen after the summer break. Schools should prepare for an August reopening should all safeguards be in place. See the letter to DFM

COVID-19: Members Update
The situation with COVID-19 is changing constantly but the fundamental priority is keeping people safe. It is essential that everybody adheres to the Government guidance and do not put people at risk.

Health Protection Scotland (HPS) advice
HPS advice can be found at
The most recent ‘Core COVID-19 Information and Guidance for General (Non-Healthcare) Settings (version 4)’ can be downloaded here

Community Hubs, Social Distancing and PPE – LATEST GUIDANCE
Agreement has been reached with Scottish Government and COSLA for specific advice for Community Hubs and ASN settings has been published today. This guidance highlights the need for social distancing, the provision and use of PPE.  Please also find a link for a message from Jason Leitch (National Clinical Director)

SSTA Advice

  1. Community Hubs must ensure a ‘risk assessment’ has taken place that includes the Scottish Governments’ advice on social distancing
  2. Community Hubs must ensure the provision of necessary cleaning materials (including handwashing materials and hot water) and measures to prevent close contact before asking staff to attend
  3. If you, or a member of your household, have an underlying health condition, or are a part of a vulnerable group, you must work from home
  4. Community Hubs will be staffed by volunteers
  5. Community Hubs need to prepare a schedule for the supervision of pupils and a rota for available staff
  6. Members must not attend work if you have not been assigned a specific child caring responsibility and given advice on procedures to be followed

Teachers’ Pensions
The Teachers’ Pension scheme administered by the SPPA is a very important condition of service available for all teachers. A valuable benefit in addition to providing a regular income in retirement is the provision of death in service  currently three times your final full time equivalent salary. SSTA advises all teachers to be members of the teachers’ pension scheme. Please follow the link to SSTA quick guide to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme.

Injured at Work
SSTA Legal Services are here to help with any accident suffered in the last three years. If you would like further advice or information please see this flyer

SSTA Membership Offers

  • Probationer members who are completing their induction year will continue to receive free membership until the end of December 2020.
  • Incoming NQT’s - Free membership until the end of December 2021.
  • All New members receive 50% off the first 12 months of subscription fees*

Anyone wishing to join the SSTA can do so via the SSTA Website

Members who have moved school, changed post or home address can update their details with the SSTA by completing a form at


  1. Please follow the Government guidelines
  2. Follow the SSTA on Twitter
  3. Contact if you require further advice
  4. #StayHomeStaySafe