Arrangements for Re-opening Schools August 2020 - SNCT 20/76

The Arrangements for Re-opening Schools August 2020’  SNCT 20/76 has now been finalised.
The SNCT document contains the following information

  • Early return and leave dates
  • Realignment of Session 2020/21
  • Pre-Existing Holiday Arrangements or Commitments
  • Quarantine Arrangements
  • Summer Retirals

 The earlier ‘Emergency Provision’ SNCT 20/74 that included provisions for ‘Self-Isolation’ remain in place

‘Employees who are undergoing self-isolation as instructed by their GP or as advised by Health Protection Scotland should advise their school and Council immediately. They should be entitled to full pay during this absence as COVID-19 is a notifiable infectious disease. The provisions of SNCT Handbook Section 6.34 will apply’.

Please follow link to circular.


  1. Please follow the Government guidelines
  2. Follow the SSTA on Twitter
  3. Contact if you require further advice
  4. #StayHomeStaySafe