Named Person Legislation

The SSTA welcomes the refusal of the challenge to legislation to a named person for every child in Scotland.

The SSTA agrees with the statement made by Lord Carloway “Essentially all that the legislation does, and is intended to do, is to provide for every child and his or her family a suitably qualified professional who can, if necessary, act as a single point of contact between the child and any public service from which the child could benefit.”

Seamus Searson General Secretary said “we do see the value of the Named Person legislation. The legislation does not undermine the role of the parent but help to support the parent. The SSTA continues to support the Government and looks forward to continue working with children and young people and their family’s to enable them to acquire an individualised support package that will meet their needs.

“The SSTA commends the aim of the ‘Named Person’ in supporting the young person and enhancing their health and wellbeing and educational outcomes. The SSTA welcomes this decision and acknowledging that we (the Scottish Government and partners) must now move forward with implementing the legislation. However, we must ensure that teachers are properly trained and given sufficient time to undertake this extremely important role.

Further information from

Seamus Searson
General Secretary

0131 313 7300

3 September 2015