Press Release - Named Person

The SSTA fully supports the principles of ‘Getting it Right for Every Child’ and the role of the ‘Named Person’.

Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said “We know that mothers, fathers and carers are with a few exceptions, the best people to raise their children. This proposed legislation supports families, providing improved access to services while maintaining parental rights and responsibilities”.

“A Named Person helps children and families get the right support at the right time from the right people. It does not replace or change the role of parents and carers, or undermine families. The ‘Named Person’ approach is not new. It is already operating across Scotland. However, the legislation is embedding best practice into law so that children and young people are receiving the best support and not left to the vagaries of different parts of Scotland”.

“Teachers are used to handling sensitive, confidential information about children such as school records for pupils – and already have robust procedures to protect data. These new duties will not change this”.

“Effective communication, including sharing relevant information where appropriate, is essential to ensure children, young people and families get the right help at the right time from the right services. In most circumstances, the child or young person and parents will know what information is being shared, with whom and for what purpose and their views will be taken into account. However this may not happen in exceptional cases, such as where there is a concern for a child’s protection/safety.

“Teachers always want the best for the children and young people in their care and the SSTA believes that the ‘Named Person’ legislation is the best way forward and everybody should put all their efforts into making it work”

Further information from:

Seamus Searson
General Secretary

0131 313 7300

7 March 2016
Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association
West End House
14 West End Place
EH11 2ED