BULLETIN 407/07 - December 2007

BULLETIN Bulletin no 407/07 11 December 2007

1. COUNCIL 1 DECEMBER 2007 Council heard reports on:-

  • Initial discussions at the SNCT on the 2008 pay settlement and the 2007 shortfall.
  • Conditions of Service Working Group.
  • Class Size, Working Group.
  • LNCT Review Group.
  • Chartered Teacher Review Group.
  • SQA Examination revisions.
  • Developments in "A Curriculum for Excellence".

2. SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions to the Association are due to be renewed in January 2008 and Council has set an annual subscription of £159.50 for all full members who pay their fees by 31 January 2008. This reduced tariff includes annual direct debit or cheque. This saving is clearly of advantage to members and is only available to those who pay before the end of January. Members who have elected to pay their subscription by annual cheque are reminded that these should be forwarded by 31 January 2008, either through school representatives or directly to the Association offices. The rates set for 2008 are as follows:

- full members £159.50 if paid annually by 31 January 2008, or £174.00 if paid afterwards; £14.50 if paid by monthly direct debit. - retired, part-time, job-share, temporary or supply members: £79.75 if paid annually by 31 January 2008 or £87.00 if paid afterwards; £7.25 per month if paid by monthly direct debit.

Members who pay annually by cheque are encouraged to transfer to annual Direct Debit. This method not only considerably reduces workload for both school representatives and office staff but clearly benefits members by the reduced rate. Paying by Direct Debit guarantees that the payment will be taken in time to obtain the discounted subscription. Direct debit instruction forms for this purpose are available from either school representatives or directly from this office. Members who have opted to receive information on revised subscription rates directly to their home addresses will be contacted early in the New Year.

3. DIRECT DEBIT PAYMENTS IN DECEMBER Members who pay their subscription by monthly direct debit are advised of the following payment dates for December's subscription. The Association will input data to BACS on Wednesday 26 December which will be processed on Thursday 27 December for payment on Friday 28 December.

4. PART-TIME/TEMPORARY/JOB-SHARE/SUPPLY MEMBERSHIP STATUS The Association is in the process of updating its membership database and it would, therefore, be helpful if members who have recently changed their employment status, but not yet informed this office would do so now. Contact may be made by emailing info@ssta.org.uk noting the date of change of status and the FTE figure worked.

5. LAWLINE SERVICE Members are reminded of the Association's free legal advisory service Lawline. This SSTA service provides members with free and confidential legal advice through Morton Fraser Solicitors by telephone or by e-mail. The service provides advice on ANY legal matter with the sole exception of matters relating to the professional life of a teacher (which should be sent directly to the General Secretary). The service has been of great benefit to the many members who have used it. To make use of the service you can telephone on 07770 748556 between the hours of 8.30am to 10.00pm, Monday to Friday, or e-mail at Lawline@morton-fraser.com.

6. PRE-RETIREMENT COURSE 2008 A series of one day pre-retirement courses will take place during the first half of 2008. Details of dates and venues will be advised to members as soon as possible and will also be posted on the website. Places will be offered first to members retiring in 2008 and thereafter on a first come basis.

7. RESEARCH - TEACHERS AND QUALITY ASSURANCE The Association wishes to encourage members to participate (if invited) in an international study co-ordinated by Jenny Ozga and Linda Croxford of Edinburgh University into teachers' attitudes to and experiences of Quality Assurance and Performance Management in education. This study could yield valuable information on this topic. Members are therefore encouraged to respond if selected as part of the random sample. There will also be an opportunity to participate via the internet. The survey will take place at the end of January 2008. Any further details received relating to the survey will be placed on the SSTA website.

8. CHRISTMAS/NEW YEAR CLOSURE OF THE SSTA OFFICE Members are asked to note that the Association office will close at noon on Friday 21 December and will re-open for normal business after New Year on Monday 7 January 2008. .

The President and Council of the Association wish all members the Compliments of the Season


DAVID EAGLESHAM, General Secretary