SSTA Rejects the Derisory Teachers’ Pay Offer for 2021-2022

The SSTA conducted a consultative ballot on the revised Teachers’ Pay Offer for 2021-2022 and it was largely rejected by 71.6% of members with a turnout of 50.3%.
Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said
“The offer was not only late but far below what could be expected for the sterling work teachers had undertaken throughout the pandemic to ensure children’s education was maintained. The employers said they recognised the good work of teachers, but their actions speak volumes”.

“SSTA members rejected the offer by a resounding majority of 71.6% with 83% of those prepared to take strike action. This highlights the strength of feeling of members in secondary schools across Scotland. This has done very little for teacher morale and the retention of teachers”.
Paul Cochrane, SSTA Salaries and Condition of Service Convenor said
“The SSTA Salaries and Working Conditions Committee unanimously rejected this derisory offer but felt it was important to hear the views of members. The welcome response from members shows support for the position of the committee”.  

“The cynicism of COSLA and the Scottish Government in stretching a process started 18 months ago into a second year, implies a degree of disdain towards teachers that is extremely concerning."

Next Step
The SSTA will be attending a meeting of the SNCT Teachers’ Side later this week where all the constituent parties will confirm its position on the revised pay offer. This will be followed by a vote of all parties to determine the stance of the SNCT Teachers’ Side. A further report will follow
SSTA Members expressed the following views in response to the ballot.
“The offer is an insult to hard working teachers and represents a net loss in income after all our hard work going above and beyond the call for the last two years”.
“Teachers pay and working conditions need to improve, throughout the last few years we have been taken for granted and expected to deal with discipline issues that we are ill-equipped to deal with”.
“Workload and expectations of teachers to carry ‘fix’ the burden of the pandemic is entirely unreasonable and are pushing excellent teachers towards career changes in order to feel valued and be able to live financially comfortably. Any pay rise below inflation must be refused and teachers must be willing and prepared to make a stand in order for this to be realised”.
“Our workload over the past two years has been horrendous. What we do, we do to ensure that the children we teach have the best possible learning experience. This pay offer does not reflect the commitment and unwavering dedication teachers have displayed over the last two years”.
“Pay offer is terrible...pathetic and demoralising”.
“With the cost of living rising so much and our workload increasing, this job is getting harder and harder to justify to myself saying that it really is worth it”.
“High Inflation, increased interest rates, fuel price increases and energy cost increases. Offer simply isn’t good enough!”
“Negotiating an effective pay cut and expecting teachers to vote for it”.
