Following the PAY REVIEW agreed on 13 December 2007, an advance provisional copy of the pay scales is available here.

Please find here an advance provisional copy of the pay scale resulting from the PAY REVIEW agreed on 13 December 2007.

The increases are as follows:

1 Dec 2007 0.5% on all scale points

1 Apr 2008 2.25% on all scale points

1 Apr 2009 2.5% on all scale points

1 Apr 2010 2.4% on all scale points

In addition the following was agreed.

2008 Pay Settlement

The SNCT, in accordance with its objectives set out in paragraph 2 of the SNCT Constitution (SNCT Handbook Appendix 1.1), is required to secure and maintain appropriate pay levels for teachers and associated professionals. Over the period of this agreement, the SNCT will monitor movements in prices and wages generally. It will also consider evidence on the recruitment and retention of teachers. Early in 2010/11, the SNCT will consider these findings and their implication for the pay levels of teachers and associated professionals. Therefore, the SNCT will determine its position on commissioning research, in accordance with paragraph 5.4 of the 2001 National Agreement: A Teaching Profession for the 21st Century, to inform its deliberations and to meet its objectives on pay.