Message to Members - Teacher Unions reject 2% Pay Offer from the Employers

Teacher Unions reject 2% Pay Offer from the Employers

The Extended Joint Chairs of the SNCT (COSLA, Scottish Government, SSTA and EIS) met on Wednesday 18 May to receive a pay offer from the employers in response to the SNCT Teachers’ Side pay claim of 10% for 2022-2023.

The 2% undifferentiated increase on all SNCT pay points effective from 1 April 2022 was rejected by the SNCT teachers’ side negotiators as it did not come close to an offer that would be acceptable.
The SNCT teachers’ side said that a much improved and reasonable pay offer, one that reflects the level of inflation and its ongoing impact of the cost of living, should be made without delay. The Teachers’ side made a commitment to continue negotiation on our current pay claim and urges COSLA to make an improved offer as soon as possible.
The employers said that it would not be in a position to provide a new offer until after the Scottish Government’s Resource Spending Review announcement on 31 May 2022. The issue of the unacceptable delays in reaching an agreement and the impact that has on members was covered in depth with reference to last year’s prolonged process.

 Invest in Education - Invest in Teachers – 10% NOW


77th Annual Congress of the SSTA
 The 77th Annual Congress of the SSTA took place on Friday 13 May and Saturday 14th May 2002. The Congress was a hybrid event with most delegates attending in person whilst some attended virtually.

The Congress included an address from Catherine Nicol, SSTA President, the Report of the SSTA General Secretary Seamus Searson, guest speaker Professor Ken Muir, together with a number of policy motions adopted by the Association.

You can view the Presidential Address, Report of the General Secretary and Professor Muir’s guest speech, along with details of all the motions passed at Congress on the SSTA website at

Statement from the British And Irish Group Of Teacher Unions

Work overload negatively affecting wellbeing in education systems

Following the first in-person meeting of Presidents and General Secretaries from the ten education unions within the British and Irish Group of Teacher Unions (BIGTU), the group has called on policy makers within their jurisdictions to prioritise the tackling of teacher workload and the promotion of practitioner wellbeing within schools, colleges and universities

View the full text of the BIGTU statement

SSTA School Rep Training

The SSTA has arranged a virtual School Representative Training session. The reps training will take place on Tuesday 14 June and will be repeated on Wednesday 15 June between 4.00 and 6.00pm. All reps are encouraged to attend to get the latest updates on pay and workload. 
To book a place on the Reps training please select the Tuesday 14 June   or Wednesday 15 June.
No School Rep. If your school does not have rep, please call a meeting of members and elect a new rep (The position can also be shared if necessary).
If you would like to find out more information about being a school rep please contact SSTA Head Office at or if you wish register for the training session to find out a little more.

Yours sincerely

Seamus Searson
General Secretary