Message to Members - 19 August 2022

An Improved Pay Offer BUT Not Enough
The SNCT Extended Joint Chairs (COSLA, Scottish Government, SSTA and EIS) met on 18 August with COSLA making an improved pay offer of 3.5%. The previous offer was undifferentiated 2% increase on all SNCT pay points effective from 1 April 2022. COSLA claimed that this offer was all that is affordable without further funding from Scottish Government.  The Teachers’ Side (SSTA and EIS) made clear that this offer was totally unacceptable and must be improved.
The SNCT Teachers’ Panel needs to formally reject the latest offer, and this will happen when the teacher unions have completed their own internal processes. The SSTA has already made the decision to reject the 3.5% offer with the SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee prepared to meet quickly should any further offer be made by the employer.
The teacher unions are now preparing a consultative ballot on any offer that may come forward and willingness of members to participate in industrial action in September. It is now essential that all members check their details with the SSTA to ensure you are able to participate in the forthcoming consultative ballot.
Membership Details

Have any of your personal details changed over the summer holidays? Moved House, Change of contract or moved to a new school?  You can inform the SSTA of these changes by completing a form on our website at
Teacher Workload - Reminder to all members
Teacher workload continues to be a major issue for all SSTA members. The SSTA wants to remind members to control their individual workload and work within the school’s working time agreements (WTA).
The School Teachers’ Contract and Time
All teachers, including Headteachers, have a legally binding contract of employment that has been agreed at the SNCT. The contract for a 35-hour week must be adhered to and is not optional. All teachers have the legal right not to exceed the maximum and it is unlawful for a teacher to be asked to work beyond the limit.
The 35-hour week consists of

  • Assigned classes and cover for absent colleagues - maximum of 22.5 hours per week
  • Preparation and correction - allocation of 7.5 hours
  • Collegiate Time (other activities) - remaining 5 hours a week - allocation to duties determined by the school’s Working Time Agreement


Yours sincerely

Seamus Searson
General Secretary