Consultative Ballot on 5% Pay Offer for 2022-2023

The SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee is conducting a Consultative Ballot of members on the 5% pay offer and members preparedness for strike action.

The SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee is asking members to reject the 5% pay offer and support the call for strike action to support the SSTA in applying pressure in future negotiations with the employers (COSLA) and Scottish Government.

The Consultative Ballot will commence on Friday 16 September and will close at noon on Wednesday 28 September 2022. Emails are being sent out to members 'preferred' email addresses.

In the consultative ballot:

  1. members will be asked their local authority, current post and position on pay scale
  2. members will be asked whether they accept or reject the pay offer
  3. members will have the opportunity to state the reason for their decision
  4. an additional question only for those members who reject the offer whether they are prepared to take strike action to get an improved offer?

Please note: This ballot is an internal SSTA ballot and any movement to official strike action will only take place following a statutory postal ballot conducted by an approved external organisation. Only members employed by a local authority will be invited to participate in the consultative ballot.

If you do not receive an email invitation for the ballot by noon on Friday 16 September, please check the spam/junk folders as sometime the email can be diverted there.

If you require another email invitation to be sent to you, please email with a note of your full name, school, DoB and, if known, your SSTA membership number. We will then arrange for an email invitation to be sent to you.