Message from the General Secretary


The SSTA strike ballot paper will be arriving at your home from Wednesday 26 October and I would like to encourage you to return your vote as soon as possible.
This ballot must be conducted by post and votes not returned will be deemed to be a no vote. To meet the legal threshold more than 50% of members need to vote and more than 40% of the total membership (not just those who voted) need to have voted to take strike action.
The SSTA together with other teacher unions are conducting official strike ballots to apply pressure to the employers (COSLA) and the Scottish Government to negotiate and reach a fair and just pay settlement.
With inflation moving beyond 10% the employers offer of 5% must be seen as a pay cut and must be challenged. A successful ballot will show the employers that teachers are not being taken for granted any longer. Teachers pay and teacher workload are the biggest issues for Scottish teachers today and without sufficient teachers workload is only going to get worse.
The SSTA is determined to achieve professional salaries for all teachers. This campaign is the next step in restoring salaries that have been seriously eroded over the last ten years and most importantly a measure to retain teachers for the future. The call for Restoration, Retention and Recruitment is as true today as it has ever been.
Your vote is important, so please make it count and get your vote in the post.

SSTA is encouraging all members to vote YES in the ballot

5% is NOT Enough