About the SSTA


What the SSTA stands for

Founded in 1944, the Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association is Scotland's only specialist union for Secondary Teachers. The union was set up to focus on secondary issues, initially as a reaction to the undue influence exercised on national education issues at that time by the primary sector. Nowadays this has developed into a commitment to ensure that the secondary view is properly represented. From its inception the SSTA has been a real trade union with twin aims:

  • To advance education in Scotland
  • To safeguard and promote the interests of Scottish secondary teachers in all matters, especially those which affect salaries and conditions of service.

The Association works to promote these two main aims in many ways:

  • Ensuring that the secondary view is heard
  • Formulating policies to reflect the views and needs of members
  • Responding to consultations on educational matters
  • Representing members and their views to the Scottish Government , SQA, GTCS and other national bodies such as SCRE and Education Scotland.
  • Advising members on curricular, professional and contractual matters
  • Campaigning to maintain educational standards
  • Negotiating salaries and conditions of service in the SNCT
  • Campaigning for improvement and against deterioration in salaries and conditions of service.

The SSTA is affiliated to the STUC and Education International and is extremely active in both organisations. The SSTA contribution to educational debate and the formulation of policy is well recognised and respected. The SSTA has an absolute commitment to Equal Opportunities which informs all of its policies and activities. This involves working nationally and internationally to improve not only standards of education, but also social conditions for all.

The Association is committed to providing the highest possible standard of service for its membership at all times. If any member believes that we have not delivered this level of service, they can raise their concern in writing with the General Secretary.