SSTA Members Briefing and Pensions Update 2021

The SSTA has arranged briefing sessions for members in the coming week.The General Secretary, Seamus Searson, will give the latest information regarding Covid-19, national qualifications and the Education Reform review. There will also be a presentation on the impact of the Teachers’ Pensions consultations and the changes due to take place in April 2022 by Stuart McCullough, Independent Financial Advisor from Llife Ltd.The briefings will be conducted remotely and will take place on: Tuesday 2 November at 5.00pmTuesday 2 November at…

Message to Members - 25 October 2021

Safety First – the fight against Covid-19 continues Covid-19 has not gone away and the SSTA has welcomed the Government decision to continue mitigations including face coverings in schools. There was a push from some to reduce the mitigations to match other measures in other settings. However, that is not taking into account that the majority of the school population are not vaccinated and it is in the secondary school age group that the highest increase in cases of covid is…
john Guidi president-address

Presidential Address to the 76th Congress of the SSTA

John GuidiSSTA President Address to the 76th Congress of the SSTA 2 October 2021 During my time as President, we have experienced two lockdowns, two consecutive years of external exams cancellations, the Alternative Certification Model, an OECD review of the curriculum and assessment, a review of Education Scotland and the Scottish Qualification Authority and now the possibility of not even a two percent pay rise. Certainly, plenty of material to write about in a speech! Over the last 18 months,…

SSTA Annual Congress (Part2)

All SSTA members are invited to watch the SSTA Congress that will be taking place in Glasgow on Saturday 2 October. Watch SSTA Annual Congress                                                                The SSTA Congress is a public session and will focus on the development of SSTA policy and will start at 10.30am. Members are all encouraged to see the working of the Association if only for a short while on the day. The morning session will include the SSTA President’s address, a presentation by Professor Mark Priestley and motions…

Members' Bulletin - 22 September 2021

Safety First – We must keep all in schools safe Covid-19 is still with us and it continues to cause disruption to schools. Teaching and learning is being challenged every day and unfortunately we are looking at a further period of strict adherence to mitigations. The latest government guidance has been enhanced and will continue until at least the October break. The increasing number of teacher and pupil absences due to Covid will again have an impact upon national qualifications…

Members' Bulletin - 23 August 2021

Download PDF Version Return to SchoolThe latest version of the revised school guidance and update to vaccination section has been issued. The revised guidance includes: Risk assessments to be continuedEnvironmental cleaning, hand and respiratory hygiene to continueVentilation - strengthened guidance for LAs on CO2 monitoringFace coverings in communal areas and secondary classrooms to continuePhysical distancing for adults at least 1m but 2m distancing expected to remain for logistical purposesOne way systems to be continuedStaggered start and stop times/ break and…

SSTA Members' Bulletin – 9 July 2021

Re-opening of Schools in AugustYou will have seen that the arrangements for the reopening of schools in England are being revised and there will be pressure to follow suit in Scotland. At this point, schools have been advised to continue with the existing guidance and mitigations for the reopening of schools in August. This situation may well change again in the coming weeks when the impact of the lifting of covid restrictions are known. The SSTA advises all members not…


SCOTTISH SECONDARY TEACHERS’ ASSOCAITION Statement to members for period ended 31 December 2020 as required by section 32a of trade union and labour relations (consolidation) act 1992 Income and Expenditure The total income of the union for the period was  £969,470 This amount included payments of £920,264 in respect of membership income of the union. The union’s total expenditure for the period was £ 885,847 Political Fund The Association does not maintain a political fund. General Secretary Salary and Other…

Freedom of Information requests

A symptom of the worry and confusion surrounding the Alternative Certification Model has been a sudden rise this week in the number of parents and learners making Freedom of Information Requests to schools and local authorities in relation to assessment instruments and procedures.No teacher should be expected to gather any evidence in relation to FOI requests during their annual leave.  On receipt of such a request the local authority should respond on behalf of the school with an acknowledgement and…