Report to Council from the General Secretary

 GS Report March 2015 SSTA meeting Angela Constance, Cabinet Secretary – 26 February 2015 a) New Higher Qualifications Minister rejected an extension of the existing qualifications b) Highlighted the importance of Supply Teachers to the education system and the need to restore pay levels and potential national register for supply teachers c) Measures to be developed to address underachievement in Secondary Schools d) The return of the SSTA to the CfE Management Board New Higher Qualifications a) The SSTA survey…

STEP - Association of Chartered Teachers Development

STEP has developed from the Association of Chartered Teachers Scotland (ACTS) and is now open to all registered teachers in Scotland. This is important news which, especially now that professional update is up and running, will be of interest to all teachers keen to develop their professional learning. STEP (as ACTS did previously) exists to provide a community for teachers which helps them practise pedagogy more effectively and explore exciting new developments in educational practice. In previous years, ACTS have…

SSTA disappointed by Angela Constance decision on New Advanced Higher Qualifications

The SSTA General Secretary Seamus Searson and incoming Vice President Euan Duncan met with the Cabinet Secretary, Angela Constance, to discuss the compelling evidence in the SSTA survey to seek an extension for the new Advanced Highers to be run in tandem with the existing qualifications for an extra year. Seamus Searson said “the survey confirms the view of many secondary school teachers that more time is needed to bring about these important changes. However, the Minister maintained her position…

New Higher Qualifications - Crisis in Confidence

The SSTA has today released results of its survey on the New Higher Qualifications. The response to the survey has been overwhelming and it highlights a teacher crisis in confidence. Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said “the survey confirms the view of many secondary school teachers that more time is needed to bring about these important changes. We continue to be alarmed by the clear lack of confidence being expressed by our members particularly in terms of the materials required…

Penison Contribution Rates - School Rep Bulletin

Pension Contribution Rates - February 2015 STSS New Pension Contributions rates from 1 April 2015 For all scheme Members 1. The tiered structure and rates for employee contributions are changing. 2. A members actual pay rather than whole time equivalent pay should be used to determine the contribution rate due. [table id=2 /] Employer contribution rates from 1 April 2015 1.  The current employer contribution rate of 14.9% will continue to apply until 31 August 2015. 2.  Employer contributions from…

Flexible Working - School Rep Bulletin

Printable Version Flexible working is not an ad-hoc arrangement. It is not directed by the local authority and cannot be imposed.  It is not normally a solution to short term cover difficulties. Reps are reminded that: Any arrangement must be agreed prior to the beginning of the academic year and the request can be declined. A school may operate flexible class contact time, preparation and correction time and remaining time over a longer period, normally 2 weeks, but not exceeding…

Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014

The Scottish Government has launch a Consultation on the draft Statutory Guidance for Parts 4, 5 and 18 (Section 96) and related draft orders of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 and the Association would welcome the views of members.  The consultation is open until 1 May 2015.   Please send any comments you have on the Consultation to with the subject header of "Children and Young Person Consultation" by 20 April 2015. The document relating to the…

SSTA challenges Angela Constance to defer CfE Advanced Higher in 2015/16

Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said “we continue to be alarmed by the lack of respect for teachers’ professional judgement shown by the Cabinet Secretary Angela Constance in refusing to sanction a dual running of the Advanced Highers in 2015/2016. The overriding concern of SSTA members is this will adversely impact on our young people”. Angela Constance said, on 3 February, that she had not yet heard a “compelling case” for new Advanced Highers to be run in tandem with…

Programme Leader, SCEL

The Scottish College for Educational Leadership is currently recruiting for a Programme Leader, with a closing date of Friday 27th February. The successful applicant will work with the growing team at SCEL to lead on a number of activities in relation to leadership development, including the development and maintenance of the Framework for Educational Leadership, and to contribute to the strategic and operational development of SCEL. The appointment will be for a fixed term contract of up to three years,…