Specialist Panels

The SSTA operates with a number of specialist panels. Their function is to inform and advise on the particular issues that they deal with. They are a valued and valuable component of the work of the Association. The panel membership is subject to nomination from District / Areas and subsequent election. However, panels frequently co-opt additional members. If you have an interest in serving on a Panel, please contact the serving official in the first instance. Committee/ Panel Convenor Servicing…

Update on Pension Negotiations

Colleagues, You will be aware that the Association is involved in negotiations with the Scottish Government and employers in an attempt to secure the best possible future pension arrangement for all teachers. Unfortunately negotiations continue to be constrained by events elsewhere in the UK. In a recent letter the Cabinet Secretary, Michael Russell, informed us that the upcoming Public Services Pension Bill will constrain public service scheme design and governance in Scotland. He states that from April 2015 schemes in…

SNCT document relating to Charter Teacher Courses

The final version of the SNCT document relating to Charter Teacher courses is now available from here . The document clarifies future pay arrangements for teachers currently on the Chartered Teacher pay scale. Teachers on the Chartered Teacher scale will be assimilated at their current point on the scale in exchange for an enhanced role within the school. This document also details the arrangements for those who have an area of study to complete. An area of study is a…

School Representatives Training

The Association will hold a training session for school representatives on Wednesday 5 September. The training will take place at the Westerwood Hotel, Cumbernauld. All school representatives are invited to attend. Any rep who intends to give up the school rep position may wish to use this opportunity to attempt to recruit a replacement who might then attend the training session. It might be useful to point out to potential reps that SSTA School Reps are not “shop stewards” and…

Posts Congress 2012 Bulletin

The post-Congress 2012 edition of the SSTA Bulletin can be downloaded from here. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to open the Bulletin. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader it can be downloaded from http://get.adobe.com/uk/reader/.

Scottish Teacher Requests Support for his Family

Hi fellow educational professionals and trade unionists I am emailing you about an issue which goes beyond the relatively small, ideological differences between the various trade unions and associations. It is an issue directly related to Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights - the right to respect for private and family life. I am a Depute Head Teacher at Kirkwall Grammar School in Orkney. I have recently returned to live in my native Scotland after an absence…

SNCT - Chartered Teacher

The attached paper was agreed in principle at an SNCT meeting held yesterday, Thursday 31 May 2012. This agreement ensures that teachers on the Charter Teacher scale will continue to receive their current salary in recognition of their enhanced role within schools. This Association believes the decision to cancel the Chartered Teacher scheme has been detrimental to progress towards excellence in Education. This agreement goes some way towards protecting those teachers whose participation gained the scheme a world-wide reputation for…

SSTA Calls for Teachers' Concerns Over Deep Audit to be Properly Addressed

The Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association, representing 9000 Scottish secondary teachers, has once again raised concerns about the integrity of the ‘deep audit’ completed in March 2012. Speaking in Edinburgh, the Association’s General Secretary, Mrs Ann Ballinger, warned once again about the damage likely to be inflicted by a lack of action. “The SSTA has raised repeated concerns about the shallowness of this so-called Deep Audit. We have numerous examples of Councils who failed to consult with classroom teachers or even…

Motions from Congress 2012

Details of the motions passed at Congress, held on 11-12 May 2012 can be found on our website below. Further details of this, and a review of other business, will be sent to all members in the next newsletter. In the meantime this will provide some information about the issues dealt with at Congress. A PDF of the motions can be download from <a href="https://ssta.org.uk/request.php?23">here</a> Motion A On behalf of Aberdeenshire, Gordon West, seconded by Ruth French, moved: Congress notes…

Presidential Address - 11 May 2012

The recurring theme of my last several District Secretary Reports, and indeed motions to Congress, was that of ‘Groundhog Day,’ ie, that each year we faced again the same issues of indiscipline, large classes and unrealistic expectations of teachers, in addition to ongoing pernicious issues such as workplace bullying and intimidation. There was, several years ago, a brief moment when we thought things might be changing – The McCrone Agreement with its recommendation of ‘time and place working’ allowed teachers…