Day of Action 30th November

Given the expected size of the Marches in Edinburgh and Glasgow it is suggested that members assemble as a group rather than attempt to meet under the SSTA banner at the official assembly areas. Edinburgh March and Rally All members intending to participate in the March and Rally in Edinburgh are invited to meet opposite the clock at the Usher Hall off Lothian Road from 10:45 am to 11:00 am before moving as a group to the March Assembly point…

Members who are about to embark on maternity leave

Dear Colleagues In view of the fact that a very small number of our members who are about to embark on maternity leave may be in danger of compromising their Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP). It has been decided that all members about to go on maternity leave are exempted from the obligation to go on strike. Yours sincerely Ann Ballinger General Secretary

Explanation of the effect of one strike day on pensions

One day strike will reduce your pension* by only £2.19 a year *For a teacher at the top of the maingrade scale A further £6.57 will be lost from any lump sum. Effect on pensionable salary for those who are within ten years of retirement = nil The Teachers' Superannuation (Scotland) Regulations: Regulation E34 (1) (b) states “In determining for the purposes of paragraph 1 (the mechanism used to calculate final salary), what are the best 365 days of the…

Questions about Strike Action

The Association will inform your employer of the result of the ballot and the number of members in each establishment likely to take strike action on 30 November. Your employer will inform the Head Teacher of the number of employees taking action on that day. There is no need for members to inform their line manager, or to add to the information provided by the Association. If members wish to protest, they may do so peacefully but only at their…

Results of Ballot on Industrial Action - State Sector

The ballot on industrial action closed today, Monday 21 November 2011, at 12 noon. I am delighted to report that we achieved a response of 66.3% with 79.19% in favour of action and 20.81% against. At a meeting this afternoon Executive agreed unanimously to declare 1 day of strike action on Wednesday 30th November 2011. A separate sheet advising members on picketing and other issues around industrial action is available to download from the website. Should the Government respond at…

Bulletin No 423/11 - October 2011

The post-October Council edition of the SSTA Bulletin can be downloaded from here. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to open the Bulletin. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader it can be downloaded from

Ballot on Industrial Action

Ballot Papers for the ballot on Industrial Action resulting from changes to Pension Provision are being sent out by the Independent Scrutineer to member's home addresses from Tuesday 8 November. The Ballot closes at 12 noon on Monday 21 November. Results will be published as soon as possible after the close of the ballot.

New Q&A on CfE implementation now published online

New Q&A on CfE implementation now published online / Print friendly versions of all CfE factfiles now available. For information this new Q&A (link below) was published on the Education Scotland site this morning. The Q&A offers responses to some key issues around the ongoing implementation of CfE, focusing predominantly on the secondary sector but also includes issues of relevance to the primary sector, CLD and colleges. The information is intended to support leaders, managers, practitioners and others within the…

Government's Offer on Public Sector Pensions

You will have seen the announcement from the UK Government today and their claim that this ‘new proposal’ answers all of our concerns. They even claim this new proposal is a good deal for teachers. To assist your deliberations the proposals are explained below: The Government refers to an improved accrual rate of 1/60th. This figure relates to the amount of salary converted into a pension pot every year under the average salary scheme. For example: a scheme member earning…

SSTA to Ballot on Strike Action on Pensions

The SSTA today decided to ballot its members on strike action in defence of members’ pensions. The decision was taken unanimously by the union’s Executive at a meeting in Edinburgh today. The Government has given no indication of any willingness to move on its desired changes to teachers’ pension arrangements. In particular, the decision to make future pension provision payable at the state retirement age for men (currently 65 and due to rise) is totally unacceptable. This matter was last…