Feedback on SQA Exam Diet

The SQA are seeking feedback on the exam diet.   They particularly welcome your views on the questions and on any issues you believe will have affected pupil performance. They are also delighted to receive suggestions for improvements to future exam papers.     If you have any comments to make (positive, negative or a combination of both) please send them by email to adding SQA feedback to the subject line.   We will collate these and forward them…

COSLA Document

Colleagues, You may be aware of a report circulating about a document produced by Cosla.   This document is their submission to the McCormac review into Teachers’ pay and conditions and clearly indicates their preferences for the future of our profession.   The document makes very interesting reading and I have highlighted only a few of the points it makes: the primary role of a teacher should not be to teach children!!!! extension of the teacher year but not the…

Research project on post induction teacher employment

The Association has been asked to invite appropriate members to take part in a Glasgow University Research Project dealing with the career trajectories of post induction teachers. This research should provide an accurate picture of what paths teachers actually take on completion of their probationary period and will be a valuable marker for all those involved in teacher planning. Additionally the project may focus on transition from university to employment; induction experiences; support during first year of teaching; support following…

Presidential Address - Annual Congress 13/14 May 2011

President's Address Peebles 13 May 2011 Congress, Guests, Colleagues, In March of this year, I attended a conference on CfE on behalf of the Association.   I was introduced by the chair as the representative of an organisation which had been a “critical friend” to CfE.     I’ll repeat that:   “a critical friend”.   I think that was an absolutely accurate description of our stance.   The SSTA is fundamentally in favour of CfE’s principles:   greater flexibility…

New CfE factfiles

Four new CfE factfiles were published this week on the LTS main and Parentzone websites.   Topics this time are literacy across learning; numeracy across learning; 3-18 transitions; and outdoor learning. (under latest resources) (under News)

Imposed changes to our Conditions of Service

Dear Colleagues By now you will be aware of the disgraceful events at the SNCT Teachers’ Side meeting on 28 April, when some teacher representatives surrendered after approximately 12,000 of the 60,000 eligible teachers voted to accept the Cosla proposals. This Association refused to accept the proposal and gave formal notice that we intend where justified to take legal action on behalf of members.   Of particular concern are the conservation, accrued leave and supply rate issues.   The full…

Result of the Consultative Ballot

Members of the Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association have decisively rejected the revised package of cuts in teachers' salaries and conditions proposed by the employers' organisation, COSLA.   In an indicative ballot the members voted: - 93.6% to reject the offer 6.4% to accept 48.7% turnout During a period of exam preparation and school holidays a 49% turnout in a second ballot is remarkable. Our thanks and congratulations to every member who voted.

Statement of formal dissent to Teachers' side agreement to accept the Colsa proposals

At the meeting of the Teachers' side of the SNCT held at 3pm today SSTA representatives formally dissented from the decision made to accept the Cosla proposal.   Full wording of the statement made at the meeting can be read below. The SSTA representatives request that their formal dissent to the Agreement be recorded.     In particular, but without prejudice to their other objections, they further request that it be noted for the record that the arrangements proposed for…

SSTA Dissents from Decision to Accept Proposals

At the meeting of the Teachers' side of the SNCT held at 3pm today SSTA representatives formally dissented from the decision made to accept the Cosla proposals. The SSTA does not accept the proposals and reserves the right to legally challenge any detriment to the pay or conditions of members. Further advice and information will be circulated to members during the next 10 days. Yours sincerely Ann Ballinger General Secretary

Early Results of Ballot

Early results from the consultative ballot on the revised proposals from COSLA are a clear and emphatic rejection of the proposed detriment to the conditions of service of all teachers. More than 90% of SSTA members voting have rejected the revised proposal, mirroring the results of the ballot on the previous proposal. The Teachers' side of the SNCT meets today, Thursday 28 April, when a formal decision will be made.   You will be informed of this decision immediately after…