Please remember to vote

Colleagues The consultative ballot on the revised proposals from COSLA will close one week from now.   The seriousness with which our response is listened to depends as much on the number of votes cast as it does on the results.   A return of 50 or 60% will be dismissed as indicating the agreement of 40 or 50% of members.   Please take a few minutes to vote either by post or online.   The future of our profession…

Issues for McCormac Review

Please note this is not a response to the Review but a series of issues or comments members may wish to use when writing their own submission.   Details on how to make a submission can be found at 1.       Decision making by the Committee The Association has huge concerns that many of the potential outcomes of the review are already appearing in LA budgets, particularly those authorities which produce 2 or 3 year budgets. In…

Invitation to serve on the First Ever GTC Scotland Appointments Committee

The General Teaching Council for Scotland will, in April 2012, become the world's first independent self-regulating professional body for teaching. As part of this statutory change, the GTCs are looking to appoint GTC Scotland Registered Teachers and Lay people to serve on an independent Appointments Committee to recruit and select members of the governing Council and panels. A letter from Mr Anthony Finn, Chief Executive, together with the advert setting out information on the opportunities available and how to apply…

Bulletin No 421/11 - March 2011

The March 2011 edition of the SSTA Bulletin can be downloaded from here. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to open the Bulletin. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader it can be downloaded from

Global Action Week 2011

Global Action Week 2011 Global Action Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness and call on governments around the world to keep their promises on the UN Millennium Development Goal of achieving Education for All. EI firmly believes that governments have the know-how and resources to ensure everyone has the chance to learn and all governments have a responsibility to make sure it happens. This is why, every year, EI and other founding members of the Global Campaign for…

The Purpose of our Ballot

Dear Colleagues I am grateful to members who have forwarded comments made by other unions concerning the purpose of this ballot.   If anyone is confused I hope the following is helpful. Consultative ballots are used by this Association to: seek members' views on important issues inform the relevant committee make a policy decision based on the response received from members. The overwhelming view of our members (being a democratic body) will guide OUR policy. Changes in Conditions of Service…

Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee recommends rejection of the latest COSLA proposal.

Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee met today, Monday 28 March 2011, and agreed unanimously to ballot members on the new COSLA proposals and recommend rejection.   The committee believes this proposal constitutes an attack on some of the most vulnerable members of our profession, further reducing their earning capacity.     Other elements of the   proposal constitute an attack on specific members of our profession many of whom accepted earlier changes in good faith, believing the assurances of…

Secondary Teacher Union Rejects Latest Employer Offer

The Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee of the Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association today unanimously rejected the proposals from the employers' organisation, COSLA, regarding changes to Scottish teachers' conditions of service. The matter will now be put to a ballot of SSTA members with a recommendation to reject the offer. Speaking in Edinburgh, SSTA General Secretary, Ann Ballinger said: “The meeting of the SNCT last Wednesday considered a new offer from COSLA. The SSTA representatives undertook to refer the offer…

Full details of the revised proposed changes to conditions of service

Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers (SNCT) Proposed Changes to Pay and Conditions 2011 1. The three parties to the SNCT (the Scottish Government, COSLA and the Teachers Side) referred to below as the ‘three parties’ agree to abide by the conditions set out in Appendix 1 attached. 2. The three parties affirm their commitment to the independently chaired review of all aspects of the McCrone Agreement chaired by Professor McCormac. 3. The three parties agree that following the outcome of…

Update on Proposed changes to conditions of service

SSTA representatives at the SNCT meeting on Wednesday 23 March did not accept the new proposal, making it clear that in this Association members make policy decisions. A vote on the revised proposal was taken at the Teachers' Side pre-meeting and 6 of the 19 members did not vote in favour of accepting the proposal.   A ballot will be held to enable members to state their views and influence our stance.   Further details below... Dear Colleagues At the…