Pay demand made by the Teachers' side

Dear Colleagues You may have noted the comments in newspapers today about the pay demand made by the Teacher's side, and wrongly credited to the EIS. The claim was for a minimum of 3.3%, based on the rate of CPI during 2010. Apart from the obvious purpose of this claim it is vitally important that our employers are aware of the loss teachers will suffer if a freeze on pay is maintained. The Convener of Salaries and Conditions of Service…

Possible action by COSLA/Scottish Government to end conservation

Dear Colleagues Many of you will be aware of the article in newspapers at the weekend, discussing possible action to end conservation.   This was one of the proposals agreed between COSLA and the Scottish Government in November 2010.   Teacher Unions have not agreed to this and negotiations are currently underway.   At this stage the Management side have been unable to provide us with any of the details needed to make a rational decision. COSLA are stating their…

Union Warns Over Abuse of Internet Help for Pupils

The Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association, representing 8500 teachers in Scotland's Secondary Schools, today warned its members over problems caused following harassment of some of its member via electronic mail.   In particular harassment by pupils was now a significant concern. The union issued its advice today on its website pointing out that the situation had become worse in recent days as teachers worked from home and tried to maintain contact with students especially those who would take national examinations next…

Scottish Teacher Union Warns on Impact of Cuts

The Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association, representing 8500 teachers in Scotland's Secondary Schools, today warned its members on the impact of the cuts in education budgets currently under discussion in many Scottish local authorities.   The union expressed particular concerns that Councils did not have enough knowledge of educational systems and arrangements to be fully aware of the impact of the cuts. Speaking in Edinburgh today, Ann Ballinger, General Secretary of the union said, “The SSTA accepts that local authorities are…

Communicating with pupils via email

Dear Colleagues You may have been asked to communicate with pupils via electronic means during this inclement weather enabling staff to work from home in severe weather and avoid possible injury attempting to travel to a building already closed to pupils.     Some schools even ask staff to use electronic means to distribute, discuss and mark homework.     This type of communication should only be undertaken using the authority Intranet.   Properly set up and monitored intranet systems…

Warning to Members - Teaching resources - A SCAM?

The Association has become aware of the behaviour of a company, who run a web-site containing the term “teaching resources”, have caused considerable concern within the teaching profession. Their web site offers teachers a chance to 'trial' PSHE resources. However, only in the very (easily missed) small print of the terms and conditions is it explained that, after the 14 day trial, schools will be automatically invoiced for a two year contract with the company. This will only be stopped…

Threatened action by Aberdeen City Council

TO Members in Aberdeen City Dear Colleague You will have received a communication from Aberdeen City Council this morning, which is a blatant attempt to blackmail teachers in the authority. This Association utterly condemns any attempt to blackmail teachers into accepting a salary reduction. We will take all necessary steps to support members in Aberdeen and will certainly ballot on industrial action should either of these measures be imposed. Please note however that Aberdeen City Council will not take any…

Update for members

Dear Colleagues We were informed today that the SNCT meeting on Wednesday has been cancelled due to inclement weather.   There is no date as yet for the rescheduled meeting.   As soon as we have information it will be added to the website and emailed to those members for whom we have email addresses.   If we do not have an email address for you please email us and we'll add you to the mailing list.   At this…

Advice to members regarding travelling to school during severe winter weather.

In severe winter weather you may have problems travelling to school. It is important to balance your safety with your employer's right to expect you to attend work, but safety must always be the most important consideration.   Members are advised to take the following steps: Make sure you have a copy of the Local Authority procedure for inclement weather and follow the advice in the document. Check the appropriate website for school closure advice. Listen to official advice about…

Meeting of Council: Saturday 4 December 2010 - CANCELLED

Due to the recent bad weather the meeting of Council due to take place on Saturday 4 December has been cancelled.   The meeting is being rescheduled to take place at St Colm's Church Hall, Dalry Road, Edinburgh on Saturday 15 January 2011 at 10.30am. The General Secretary will e-mail Council members over the coming weekend with news of any updates or urgent business.