Indiscipline Complacency
Today the Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association condemned the continuing complacency of Scottish Government towards the problem of indiscipline in Scottish schools. The Association called for a re-calibration of the extent of the problem and the resumption of the co-ordinated and…
Supply Teachers
The Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association today expressed alarm at the reported crisis in providing supply cover in many local authorities. The Association has taken note of the reports in some quarters indicating that classes have been split up, doubled up…
STSS Consultation
The Scottish Public Pension Agency has put out a Consultation on draft regulations for proposed employee contribution increases from April 2013 for the Scottish Teachers' Superannuation Scheme. Members can access the Consultation and information on how to respond to it…
Pension Proposal Condemned
Today the SSTA joined colleagues in other Trades Unions to condemn the launch of a consultation on proposed increases to contribution rates for Scottish teachers' pension scheme.

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