Posts Congress 2012 Bulletin
The post-Congress 2012 edition of the SSTA Bulletin can be downloaded from here. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to open the Bulletin. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader it can be downloaded from
Scottish Teacher Requests Support for his Family
Hi fellow educational professionals and trade unionists I am emailing you about an issue which goes beyond the relatively small, ideological differences between the various trade unions and associations. It is an issue directly related to Article 8 of the…
SNCT - Chartered Teacher
The attached paper was agreed in principle at an SNCT meeting held yesterday, Thursday 31 May 2012. This agreement ensures that teachers on the Charter Teacher scale will continue to receive their current salary in recognition of their enhanced role…
SSTA Calls for Teachers' Concerns Over Deep Audit to be Properly Addressed
The Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association, representing 9000 Scottish secondary teachers, has once again raised concerns about the integrity of the ‘deep audit’ completed in March 2012.

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