December 2011 Bulletin - No. 424-11
The post-December 2011 Council edition of the SSTA Bulletin can be downloaded from here. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to open the Bulletin. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader it can be downloaded from
Pre-Retirement Courses 2012
The Association pre-retirement courses will be held as usual in 2012. The first course is in Glasgow on 19 May 2012 and the second in Stirling on 9 June 2012.
Public Sector Pensions
You may be aware of press comments about a 'deal agreed' on public sector pensions. The Government has produced a paper which it sees as a “formal offer”. The vast majority of UK unions are currently considering the Government proposals.…
Senior Managers Seminar, 16 March 2012
The Senior Managers Advisory Panel is holding a Senior Mangers Seminar in March 2012. The Seminar is an all day event, which will take place on Friday 16 March at the Westerwood Hotel, Cumbernauld, and is free to SSTA members.…

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