Results of Ballot on Industrial Action - State Sector
The ballot on industrial action closed today, Monday 21 November 2011, at 12 noon. I am delighted to report that we achieved a response of 66.3% with 79.19% in favour of action and 20.81% against.
Bulletin No 423/11 - October 2011
The post-October Council edition of the SSTA Bulletin can be downloaded from here. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to open the Bulletin. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader it can be downloaded from
Ballot on Industrial Action
Ballot Papers for the ballot on Industrial Action resulting from changes to Pension Provision are being sent out by the Independent Scrutineer to member's home addresses from Tuesday 8 November. The Ballot closes at 12 noon on Monday 21 November.…
New Q&A on CfE implementation now published online
New Q&A on CfE implementation now published online / Print friendly versions of all CfE factfiles now available.

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