Update for members
Colleagues, There has been a flurry of press speculation in recent weeks concerning proposed changes to pensions, information contained in submissions to the McCormac review and responses to the imposed changes to conditions of service. This Association only…
Bulletin No 422/11 - May 2011
The May 2011 edition of the SSTA Bulletin can be downloaded from here. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to open the Bulletin. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader it can be downloaded from http://get.adobe.com/uk/reader/.
Feedback on SQA Exam Diet
The SQA are seeking feedback on the exam diet. They particularly welcome your views on the questions and on any issues you believe will have affected pupil performance. They are also delighted to receive suggestions for improvements to future…
COSLA Document
Colleagues, You may be aware of a report circulating about a document produced by Cosla. This document is their submission to the McCormac review into Teachers’ pay and conditions and clearly indicates their preferences for the future of our…

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