Please remember to vote
Colleagues The consultative ballot on the revised proposals from COSLA will close one week from now. The seriousness with which our response is listened to depends as much on the number of votes cast as it does on the…
Issues for McCormac Review
Please note this is not a response to the Review but a series of issues or comments members may wish to use when writing their own submission. Details on how to make a submission can be found at…
Invitation to serve on the First Ever GTC Scotland Appointments Committee
The General Teaching Council for Scotland will, in April 2012, become the world's first independent self-regulating professional body for teaching. As part of this statutory change, the GTCs are looking to appoint GTC Scotland Registered Teachers and Lay people to…
Bulletin No 421/11 - March 2011
The March 2011 edition of the SSTA Bulletin can be downloaded from here. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to open the Bulletin. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader it can be downloaded from

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