Bulletin No 419/10 October 2010
The October 2010 edition of the SSTA Bulletin can be downloaded here. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to open the Bulletin. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader it can be downloaded from http://get.adobe.com/uk/reader/.
Teachers: Russell: I'm sorry but don't blame me young teachers can't find jobs
The Scotsman (By FIONA MACLEOD) – 28/10/10 01:02 THE high number of teachers unable to find jobs has been blamed on "cavalier" councils and over-recruitment to teacher training universities by education secretary Michael Russell. After being grilled at the education…
Minister in call to revisit McCrone deal for teachers
Herald Scotland (Andrew Denholm, Education Correspondent) – 28/10/10 06:03 A historic agreement governing the pay and conditions of Scottish teachers should be re-opened as council budget cuts loom, the Education Secretary said yesterday. Michael Russell told the Scottish Parliament's education…
There is a Better Way March and Rally
The Association is attending the STUC There is a Better Way the March and Rally taking place in Edinburgh 23rd October 2010. Any members wishing to attend the march can join the Association's official delegation. Details of the meeting place…

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