Retirement Workshops
The Scottish Teachers’ Pension Scheme Retirement Workshops In these “Interesting Times” many people are now seriously considering retirement and wondering how and when they will be able to afford retire. How will I be able to meet my bills? How…
SSTA Advice – 4 January 2021
The First Minister is introducing new laws that will require people to stay at home and work from home where possible from 5 January. There is now confusion is some areas as some schools and local authorities are still instructing…
Reopening of Schools - SSTA Advice
The SSTA has been contacted by a large number of members concerned about their safety and the arrangements for the return to schools in January following the Covid-19 statement made by Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister on Saturday 19 December 2020.The…

General Insurance Services

Teachers Car Insurance
We know you’re going the extra mile for your students and want to say thank you! At Cornmarket we reward educational professional with lower insurance premiums and enhanced policy benefits. What’s more you will also save £50 when you buy your new Car Insurance policy online!*
Extended Legal Service