Lockdown Learning Depended on Teachers’ Resources and Resourcefulness
The Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association, Scotland’s specialist union for secondary teachers, recently carried out a survey of its members to establish the extent to which they felt employers had ensured they had the right ICT tools for the job both…
Safety Measures in Schools are Putting Teachers at Risk
The SSTA conducted a survey of SSTA School Representatives on the measures being used in schools to keep staff safe. The survey highlighted the inconsistent approach to staff safety taken by local authorities across Scotland.Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said“The…
SSTA Members Briefing
The SSTA has arranged briefing sessions for members on the challenges facing secondary teachers at this time. The General Secretary Seamus Searson will give the latest information regarding Covid-19, national qualifications and the OECD senior phase review. There will also be…
Pension Consultation – closes 11 October 2020
The Government are currently consulting with all members of the public sector pension schemes which includes the Scottish Teachers Pension Scheme. This is regarding the unjustified age discrimination in relation to the transitional arrangements to the 2015 pension scheme. Within the…

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