Following a meeting of the SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee and National Executive this evening the following statement has been released. The SSTA conducted a consultative survey of all members in local authorities, to gauge members’ views and comments…
SSTA Consultative Survey on 14 February Pay Offer
The SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee decided at its meeting on Wednesday 15 February to consult with members on the latest employers’ pay offer in order to gauge members’ views. The Committee believes it is important to consult…
COSLA Pay Offer - 14 February 2023
The SSTA Salaries and Executive Committees met today to consider the latest pay offer and the next steps in the pay dispute. The SSTA is appalled by the actions of COSLA and Scottish Government in conducting the pay negotiations through the…
SSTA to Take Two Further Days of Strike Action
The SSTA National Executive has, following another failed SNCT negotiating meeting, authorised two days of strike action on Tuesday 28 February and Wednesday 1 March. The SSTA will be joining members of sister unions in national strike action in a…

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