Action Short of Strike Action: Put pupils first – give teachers time to teach!
The SSTA National Executive has sanctioned the ‘Action Short of Strike Action’ (ASOSA) and has confirmed the name of our campaign “Put pupils first – give teachers time to teach!” Please find below the ASOSA Guidance to Members and…
General Secretary Report - October 2016
SSTA BALLOT RESULT The National Executive is very much aware of the efforts of the Deputy First Minister to address Teacher Workload and promote Teacher Professional Judgement. However, Teacher Workload needs to be reduced in the current session. The SSTA…
91% Vote in Favour of Industrial Action
The SSTA Ballot for Industrial ‘Action Short of Strike Action’ returned a very large vote in favour to take action to reduce teacher workload. The Ballot closed on Friday (30 September 2106) and the SSTA National Council at its meeting…
Ballot for Industrial Action
The Ballot for Industrial Action closed at 12 noon on Friday 30 September. The SSTA National Executive and SSTA Council will be meeting to consider the result of the ballot on Friday 30 September and Saturday 1 October respectively. A statement…

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