

Low Teacher Confidence with New Qualifications

Low Teacher Confidence with New Qualifications The SSTA has completed a survey of its members as to the level of confidence in implementing the new Higher Qualifications. The response from members has indicated a low level of confidence in teachers’…
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Teacher Workload ‘Out of Control’

Teacher Workload ‘Out of Control’ The SSTA has completed a survey of its members to help identify the extra workload placed upon teachers associated with the implementation of the New Qualifications. This is in response to SSTA members across Scotland…
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December Newsletter

The December 2015 Newsletter is now available for members to download. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to open the newsletter. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader it can be downloaded from http://get.adobe.com/uk/reader/.  
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Asbestos in Schools

Printable Version There should be records of any asbestos in your school kept within your school. These should be accessible on request. If not, ask why not? What is asbestos? Asbestos was a building material used extensively in the U.K.…
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