Changes to pay and pension contributions backdated to April 2015
As of April 2014 those at the top of the classroom teacher payscale were paying a pension contribution of 9.5%. When the new tiered contributions were introduced in April 2015 the bandings meant that the pension contributions for those at…
Pay and Conditions of Service Agreement 2015-2017
On Monday 28th October, The Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers (SNCT) formally agreed a number of proposals in relation to pay and conditions of service for teachers and associated professionals. Please find attached the Pay and Conditions of Service Agreement…
Shared Parental Leave Fact Sheet
Printable Version Shared Parental Leave (SPL) In force from 5 April 2015 Applies where the expected week of childbirth is on or after this date. In the case of adoption, applies where child is to be placed for adoption on…
Named Person and Child’s Plan Consultation
The Scottish Government launched a public consultation on complaints concerning functions relating to the Named Person and Child’s Plan. The consultation is open for eight weeks until Friday 30 October 2015 on Citizen Space. Link to consultation and how to…

General Insurance Services

Teachers Car Insurance
We know you’re going the extra mile for your students and want to say thank you! At Cornmarket we reward educational professional with lower insurance premiums and enhanced policy benefits. What’s more you will also save £50 when you buy your new Car Insurance policy online!*
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