Pay Agreement 2015
Please find attached the Pay Agreement 2015 and the supporting documents. The agreement includes Pay 1.5% 1 April 2015 and 1.0% 1 April 2016 Supply An evaluation and review of the impact of the recommendations of the supply working group…
Teachers’ Pension Scheme (Scotland) 2015 - Pension Presentation
A recording of the Pension Presentation given by an Independent Financial Advisor at the recent meetings with members is now available for members to view. You must be logged into the website to view the video. To login to the…
Early Retirement Buy Out Reduction (ERBBO)
Please see the statement received from the SPPA On 16 March SPPA wrote out to all scheme members who had either no protection or tapered protection setting out the changes being introduced from 1 April 2015. Enclosed with each letter…
Meet the General Secretary - Pension Scheme
Seamus Searson the General Secretary would like to meet with SSTA members to discuss the issues that face secondary teachers and how we protect and improve conditions for members. The General Secretary will also give an update on Pay, Workload…

General Insurance Services

Teachers Car Insurance
We know you’re going the extra mile for your students and want to say thank you! At Cornmarket we reward educational professional with lower insurance premiums and enhanced policy benefits. What’s more you will also save £50 when you buy your new Car Insurance policy online!*
Extended Legal Service