Cancellation of the Senior Managers Seminar
Due to circumstances out-with our control we have had to cancel the Senior Managers Seminar being held on Saturday 14 March. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Penison Contribution Rates - School Rep Bulletin
Pension Contribution Rates - February 2015 STSS New Pension Contributions rates from 1 April 2015 For all scheme Members 1. The tiered structure and rates for employee contributions are changing. 2. A members actual pay rather than whole time equivalent…
Flexible Working - School Rep Bulletin
Printable Version Flexible working is not an ad-hoc arrangement. It is not directed by the local authority and cannot be imposed. It is not normally a solution to short term cover difficulties. Reps are reminded that: Any arrangement must be…
Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014
The Scottish Government has launch a Consultation on the draft Statutory Guidance for Parts 4, 5 and 18 (Section 96) and related draft orders of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 and the Association would welcome the views…

General Insurance Services

Teachers Car Insurance
We know you’re going the extra mile for your students and want to say thank you! At Cornmarket we reward educational professional with lower insurance premiums and enhanced policy benefits. What’s more you will also save £50 when you buy your new Car Insurance policy online!*
Extended Legal Service