Appointment of Professional Officers
Following recent interviews Elizabeth Hunter, District Secretary, Stirling and Iain Glennie, School Representative, Larkhall, have been successful in their application for the posts of Professional Officer. We offer them both congratulations and wish them every success in their new appointment.…
The latest edition of the SSTA Newsletter is now available for download using the link below. Congress 2014
Raising Attainment for All - The Impact of poverty on educational attainment
The Association has been invited to send a delegation to the 'The Impact of poverty on educational attainment’ event on 19 June at the New Lanark Heritage site. Any member who wishes to attend should email the SSTA office at…
SQA Exams – have your say
You will be aware that the SSTA have been monitoring the Scottish Qualifications Authority over the past session, particularly as Nationals 4 and 5 are being introduced. You will recall our survey of members in January which raised many issues…

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