SSTA Relieved at Pay Settlement
The SSTA today expressed relief at the news that the way is now open for the settlement of this year’s and next year’s salary deal. Alan McKenzie, Acting General Secretary, said “This is welcome news that should allow the salary…
New General Secretary Appointment Confirmed
The SSTA today announces the confirmation by its Council on Saturday of the appointment of Sheila Mechan as its General Secretary. Acting General Secretary today said “We are thrilled to welcome Sheila Mechan to the SSTA bringing as she does…
Parliamentary Debate on CfE
We provide a link for members to view the debate on the Motion tabled by Neil Bibby, Labour asking Scottish Government to respond to the concerns around implementation of CfE by conducting an independent review. …
SQA and Scottish Government Announcement
The Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association (SSTA) today welcomed the announcements by the Scottish Government and the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) concerning the N4 and N5 examinations as recognition that there are continuing issues surrounding the implementation of the new examinations.…

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