SNCT Revised Pay Offer - 22 November 2022
Please find a link to the latest pay offer from COSLA received at 4.16pm. The SSTA Salaries and Executive Committees will be meeting on Wednesday to consider the latest pay offer.
SSTA Two Strike Days Announced
The SSTA National Executive Committee has authorised 2 days of targeted strike action on Wednesday 7 December and Thursday 8 December in pursuit of a fair and just pay settlement for 2022. Catherine Nicol, SSTA President said“The Executive Committee felt it…
Statutory Ballot on Strike Action - Result
The SSTA postal ballot for strike action closed today and we have received the result from the independent scrutineer. 90% of SSTA members have voted to take strike action with a ballot turnout of 62%. The ballot passed the statutory…
Pay Campaign Update
The SSTA Strike Ballot closing date is coming fast. Please get your ballot paper in the post as soon as possible. Ballot closes 16 November 2022. Every last vote is important! Meeting with the DFM and Cabinet Secretary for Education – 10…

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