Working Time Agreements 2013/14
Members are reminded that the season of Working Time Agreements is here. Given the increasing workload implications of National 4 and 5, it would be advisable to review the allocation of time in the school agreement devoted to curriculum development…
Increase in Employee Pension Contributions
As from April 1st 2013 the following increases to employee pension contributions will apply. Full Time Equivalentpensionable pay Contribution rate 2012/13 Contribution rate 2013/14 Contribution rateincrease against 2012/13 Up to £14,999 6.4% 6.4% 0% £15,000 to £25,999 7.0% 7.0% 0%…
National Qualification's Survey
The Association is conducting a survey of members to find out how prepared they are for the delivery of the new courses next session. The survey should take no longer than a couple of minutes to complete.
SSTA Expresses Disgust
The Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association today expressed disgust at in the middle of continuing attempts to produce a Scottish solution to the Public Sector Pension fiasco the Scottish Parliament's Education and Culture Committee has failed to protect Scottish teachers by…

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