
Safety First and SQA

It has been a challenging return to school for many and there will undoubtedly be further challenges ahead. I would like to thank the very large number of members who had the opportunity to take part in our reopening of schools survey. The information received highlighted the issues that members and schools faced and allowed for further pressure to ensure staff and pupil safety.The recent SSTA advice remains and are the steps we would like to see in place in all schools to…

Reopening of Schools: Email to School Reps

The Scottish Government statement on 30 July committed schools to reopen to all pupils by 18 August. This was supported by the Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance on preparing for the start of the new school term in August 2020 document.  This document was to be the reassurance for schools that they would be safe to return. It is expected that all the measures included in the document would be the minimum requirement for schools to return. In addition, the SSTA issued advice that went further to…

Safety First - Reopening of Schools – SSTA Survey

The SSTA conducted a survey of members prior to the reopening of schools to gauge the confidence of teachers returning to school. The survey received 2,615 responses and highlighted the concerns of members.Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said “The survey showed the high lack of teacher confidence in schools and their employers to ensure their safety upon the reopening of schools. The survey showed that 40% of members were not confident about returning to work with only 7% of members…

Safety First and the Reopening of Schools

Message to Members  - 4 August 2020 Safety First and the Reopening of SchoolsThe SSTA position throughout the COVID-19 crisis has been one of safety first for all teachers and pupils. We would all like to return to normal schooling but the current situation is far from ‘normal’.The SSTA view remains that schools can only reopen and operate safely if there are significant operational changes in place to ensure effective social distancing, strong hygiene routines linked to thorough cleansing practices,…

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Guidance On Preparing For The Start Of The New School Term In August 2020

Following the Government statement earlier today, please find below all the relevant links to publications issued today.  Schools guidance Impact assessment Children's rights and wellbeing impact assessment School FAQYoung Scot Schools FAQ – please note that this version is a “starter for 10” and additional Q&A will be added almost daily and existing ones updated as required.Early learning and childcare services guidance Fully outdoor childcare providers guidanceSupport to childcare sectorChildminder services guidance Advisory Sub-Group on Education and Children’s Issues – advisory note on physical distancing in…

Safety First and Reopening of Schools

Message to Members 25 June 2020 The SSTA position throughout the COVID-19 crisis has been one of safety first for all teachers and pupils. We have been guided throughout by the scientific and medical evidence and that will continue to be the case. We would all like to return to normal schooling but we are not at that place yet and not likely to be in the coming months.The SSTA view remains that schools can only reopen and operate safely…

Arrangements for Re-opening Schools August 2020 - SNCT 20/76

The ‘Arrangements for Re-opening Schools August 2020’  SNCT 20/76 has now been finalised. The SNCT document contains the following information Early return and leave datesRealignment of Session 2020/21Pre-Existing Holiday Arrangements or CommitmentsQuarantine ArrangementsSummer Retirals  The earlier ‘Emergency Provision’ SNCT 20/74 that included provisions for ‘Self-Isolation’ remain in place‘Employees who are undergoing self-isolation as instructed by their GP or as advised by Health Protection Scotland should advise their school and Council immediately. They should be entitled to full pay during this absence as COVID-19 is a…

Members Bulletin - 4 June 2020

Health Protection Scotland (HPS) adviceHPS advice can be found at most recent ‘Core COVID19 Information and Guidance for General (Non-Healthcare) Settings (version 4)’ can be downloaded here Scottish Government GuidanceThe Scottish Government guidance is very clear with the main message to ‘Stay at Home’ and ‘Work from Home’ where you can. If you, or a member of your household, have an underlying health condition, or are a part of a vulnerable group, you must work from home. This will be a major factor in…

Reopening of Schools – 11 August 2020

Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister announced that all schools will reopen on 11 August and teachers would return to school towards the end of June to prepare for the new term. See details below. Recovery Route Map Strategic Framework Reopening Schools John Swinney, Deputy First Minister’s statement regarding the reopening of schools.  These arrangements were not agreed with the Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers(SNCT) and will be part of the negotiations with teacher unions in the coming days. The SNCT will be issuing…

Message to members - Announcement on Reopening of Schools

The SNCT Teachers’ Side wrote to John Swinney, Deputy First Minister, urging caution in plans for reopening of schools. The position of all unions is that the safety of pupils and staff is and can only be the first consideration and that schools should reopen in August .  In  his response the Deputy First Minister stated:“Whilst the Scottish Government is clear that we don’t want restrictions to be in place any longer than they need to be, the decision on…