SSTA response to the increase in GTCS Fees

SSTA response to the increase in General Teaching Council for Scotland(GTCS) Fees The SSTA Head Office has been inundated with members complaining about the planned £15 (30%) annual increase in GTCS fees from £50 to £65 in 2017. SSTA members are extremely angry about what they see is an unjustified increase at a time of education cuts. Teachers have had to face a cut in ‘real’ salary in the last few years and work in an education service that has…

SSTA Response to Governance Review

SSTA says ‘Put Pupils First – Give Teachers Time to Teach’ The SSTA would argue for a process of review followed by improvements rather than major structural change in its response to ‘Empowering teachers, parents and communities to achieve excellence and equity in education: A Governance Review’. The SSTA believe that structural change only diverts energies and resources away from the main challenge of ‘closing the attainment gap’. Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said “Unfortunately this review does not include…

Office Bearer Elections 2017-19

Announcement Kevin Campbell, the Fife District Secretary and current Vice President has been elected as SSTA President 2017-2019. John Guidi, East Renfrewshire District Secretary and Ward McCormick, East Ayrshire District Secretary have both been nominated as Vice President 2017-2019.  A postal ballot will take place in January.  The ballot will open on Tuesday 17th January and close on Tuesday 31st January 2017. All members are advised to ensure that the address details the Association holds for them is correct.  Members…

SNCT Pay Claim 2017

Printable PDF Version Background 1.1   In presenting a claim to the SNCT the Teachers' Panel recognises that there are a number of elements that will underpin a pay award that recognises the key role of teachers and associated professionals in maintaining and enhancing the delivery of education. 1.2   Scottish Government has publicly stated the centrality of improving education standards to improving the life prospects of Scotland's children to underpin future economic prosperity. In that  context,  the  importance  of  a…

Pre-Retirement Seminars 2017

In conjunction with Stuart McCullough from Llife Ltd, the SSTA is holding a number of Pre-Retirement seminars at the beginning of 2017. These seminars are designed to give guidance to members who are considering retiring in the next few years. Members are advised to gain information that will assist in planning the next step in their future. A list of dates and venues of the seminars is shown below. Members can book a place at a seminar here. [table id=7…

Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2015: Scotland's Results

The SSTA is disappointed to note that since 2012 Scotland’s scores for 15 year olds in the PISA assessments have dropped from ‘above average’ in reading and science to average, and have remained average in Maths.  While recognising that the ‘average’ standard is high among the large number of OECD countries assessed, Scotland has a long tradition of educational excellence and needs to realise its potential as a front-runner. Behind the bare figures were a number of interesting responses from…