General Secretary Report - November 2016

‘Put pupils first – give teachers time to teach!’ The National Executive issued guidance to members on the first phase of the ‘Action Short of Strike Action’ that began on Monday 24 October. Members are being advised to work within the contracted 35 hour working week. Teacher Workload needs to be reduced in the current session. The SSTA has asked again for urgent action to reduce teacher workload and refocus teachers to teaching and learning. Further guidance will be issued…

SSTA says ‘Put Pupils First’ in this school year

The SSTA has concerns over the exam burden and the impact on pupil well-being if the current national qualification system is allowed to continue for a further year. The proposed changes for National 5 will not take place until the 2017-2018 session. Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said “the SSTA is acutely aware of the workload pressures associated with the National Qualifications but we are extremely concerned about the potential damage to our young people as the pressure intensifies at…

STUC St Andrew's Day March and Rally - 26th November 2016

CALLING ALL SSTA MEMBERS:   There will be an SSTA presence at the STUC St Andrew's Day March and Rally which is due to take place on Saturday 26th November 2016 in Glasgow.   Can members who are interested in marching behind the SSTA banner please confirm attendance by email to no later than the 24th November 2016 - joining details will then be forwarded.   Further details of the St Andrew's Day Anti-Racism March and Rally can be found here:  …

‘Put pupils first – give teachers time to teach!’

Press Release Put pupils first – give teachers time to teach! The SSTA begins the first phase of its industrial action on Monday 24 October to bring about a reduction in teacher workload. Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said, “The title of our campaign is very important to our members. Our concern about the young people we teach is as important our concern for teaching and tackling the teacher workload burden.” “SSTA members have been campaigning for a number of…

Action Short of Strike Action: Put pupils first – give teachers time to teach!

  The SSTA National Executive has sanctioned the ‘Action Short of Strike Action’ (ASOSA) and has confirmed the name of our campaign “Put pupils first – give teachers time to teach!” Please find below the ASOSA Guidance to Members and a link to a video message from the General Secretary. A more detailed presentation of the ASOSA Guidance will be issued to School Representatives at the start of next week. The ASOSA Guidance is being issued to Local Authorities and…

General Secretary Report - October 2016

SSTA BALLOT RESULT The National Executive is very much aware of the efforts of the Deputy First Minister to address Teacher Workload and promote Teacher Professional Judgement. However, Teacher Workload needs to be reduced in the current session. The SSTA has asked again for urgent action to reduce teacher workload and refocus teachers to teaching and learning and closing the attainment gap. 91% in favour of tacking Action Short of Strike Action. 40.8% Turnout. SSTA Council John Swinney Deputy First…

91% Vote in Favour of Industrial Action

The SSTA Ballot for Industrial ‘Action Short of Strike Action’ returned a very large vote in favour to take action to reduce teacher workload. The Ballot closed on Friday (30 September 2106) and the SSTA National Council at its meeting on Saturday authorised the start of Industrial Action on Monday 24 October 2016. Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said, “The ballot has shown the strength of feeling and determination of secondary school teachers to address the workload demands that distract…

Ballot for Industrial Action

The Ballot for Industrial Action closed at 12 noon on Friday 30 September.  The SSTA National Executive  and SSTA Council will be meeting to consider the result of the ballot on Friday 30 September and Saturday 1 October respectively.  A statement will be issued to members on Monday 3 October.   SSTA National Executive has set the date for the start of the formal postal ballot for Industrial Action on reducing Teacher Workload. The Ballot will commence on the 14 September…

SSTA Challenges Chief Inspector’s statement on reducing teacher workload

The SSTA conducted a survey of members following the publication on 29 August 2016 of Education Scotland’s “Curriculum for Excellence: A Statement for Practitioners from HM Chief Inspector of Education” document. Seamus Searson SSTA General Secretary said “the Chief Inspector’s Statement to Teachers on addressing teacher workload has been widely rejected by secondary school teachers across Scotland”. In response to the survey, 68% of SSTA members said the advice would not have an impact in reducing teacher workload. A further…

SSTA General Secretary Report - September 2016

BALLOT FOR INDUSTRIAL ACTION TO BEGIN SSTA National Executive has set the date for the start of the formal postal ballot for Industrial Action on reducing Teacher Workload. The Ballot will commence on 14 September and close on 30 September. The National Executive are very much aware of the efforts of the Deputy First Minister to address Teacher Workload and promote Teacher Professional Judgement but Teacher Workload needs to be reduced in the current session. The SSTA asks again for…