Salary Offer

The Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee has met and unanimously agreed to support the revised offer on the 1% + 1% Salary offer.  The Committee took the view that there was nothing significantly different in the new offer that would cause a change of position.  Moreover, the Committee rejected the need for any ballot on the same basis. The differences with the new offer are noted below.  A clearer statement to the effect that teachers shall not be required…

David Eaglesham

The SSTA with great sadness announces the death of their former General Secretary David Eaglesham, 1996 – 2008. Alan McKenzie, Acting General Secretary, today said: “David was an outstanding General Secretary of this Association, taking up office following the death of Alan Lamont. David brought to the post a sense of tirelessness and, sometimes in the face of much opposition, a determination to change the SSTA and increase its profile nationally. Those of us who worked with him remember his…

Curriculum for Excellence Crisis in Confidence

The SSTA has today released interim figures following its survey on N4/N5 and the New Higher.  The response to the survey has been overwhelming and it is for this reason that we have decided to issue an interim statement. Acting General Secretary Alan McKenzie said “We continue to be alarmed by the clear lack of confidence being expressed by our members particularly in terms of the assessment materials for N4 and 5.     80% of the respondents indicated that they were…

SPPA Consultation on draft regulations

Consultation on draft regulations to implement the new Scottish Teachers’ Pension Scheme with effect from 1 April 2015 The above consultation is available to view on the SPPA website and runs from 20 December 2013 to 16 February 2014. Comments can be made on-line by completing the questionnaire or by completing the printable consultation form and returning it either by email to or alternatively by mail to: STSS Consultation (2015 Reform) SPPA Policy 7 Tweedside Park Tweedbank Galashiels

LGBT Curriculum Awareness

Today the SSTA welcomed Scottish Government’s invitation to it to set in motion a combined Action Plan to raise the awareness of the need to support LGBT young people in Scottish Schools.  In particular, the SSTA would propose a partnership arrangement with groups representing LGBT young people, Education Scotland, GTCS and all teacher unions to ensure that all schools incorporate LGBT matters directly into the Curriculum. Alan McKenzie, Acting General Secretary, said “There is an increasing number of young people…

School Visits in Scotland

The SSTA today called for Scottish Government to provide specific funding to encourage schools to have a co-ordinated programme of school visits to places of Scottish cultural and historical interest. Alan McKenzie Acting General Secretary, said today “Many schools do this on a regular basis but rely on parents agreeing to meet the whole cost.  Clearly in the present economic climate, parents will struggle to meet that cost.  There is a funding source to allow selected pupils from each Scottish…

School Closure and Adverse Weather

Given the recent adverse weather conditions the SSTA calls on Scottish Government, local authority employers and independent school management to make careful scrutiny of their policies on adverse weather.  Such scrutiny should involve answering the key question of what circumstances merit the closure of schools on the basis of “better safe than sorry”. Alan McKenzie, Acting General Secretary said today “Many people will have viewed with some horror the widely distributed news picture of the overturned tanker in West Lothian…


Scotland’s two largest teaching unions, the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) and the Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association (SSTA) have noted today’s publication of PISA testing data but urged caution in how this data is viewed.  Both unions believe that, while the PISA data offers some interesting areas for debate, its worth in measuring the value of any country’s education system is limited. The EIS and the SSTA urge the Scottish Government and Opposition Parties to glance briefly at this data…

STUC St Andrew's Day Anti Racism March and Rally

Members will be aware of the cancellation of this due to the tragic accident in Glasgow on Friday night.  The President wishes nevertheless, to thank those members who indicated their intention to participate. Full details of the March can be found on the STUC website

Delay to new Higher exams

Delay to new Higher exams The SSTA welcomes the announcement of a delay to the roll out of the New Higher. Alan McKenzie, Acting General Secretary, stated “There is no doubt that our position on the requirement for delay is vindicated and it would be reassuring to know that when our members report difficulties in the implementation of curricular reform that they are taken seriously and not dismissed and ignored. There is now a window of opportunity to ensure that…