GTCS Council Elections

Executive of the SSTA has agreed that members who wish to stand for election to the GTCS Council are free to indicate in their statements that they are a members of the SSTA

Article by the President in the SecEd

From the time when I studied teaching in Glasgow, I recall one particular lecture about multiculturalism and diversity. The students were asked to read silently a story written in what appeared to us to be standard English. It told of a boy who had the cold. He jagged his pinkie in the byre and went to his bed thereafter. We read without batting an eyelid and were flabbergasted when the lecturer explained that our ease in reading the passage was…

Curriculum for Excellence Working Group on Tackling Bureaucracy

Following concerns among teachers that the level of bureaucracy is threatening to divert teachers from what they should be doing (i.e. teaching), the Cabinet Secretary has set up a short-life working group to look at ways of addressing these concerns. The SSTA are represented on the Group by Richard Goring (Professional Officer) and, following the first meeting, it is hoped to offer advice and reassurance to all teachers in August.

STUC Women's Conference, Monday/Tuesday 11th - 12th November 2013

Are you interested in attending the STUC Women's Conference? Monday/Tuesday 11th - 12th November 2013, Caird Hall, Dundee The Women's Committee of the STUC will hold their annual conference in November. The conference will be attended by around 150 women delegates from the trade unions and trade union councils that are affiliated to the STUC. These affiliates are able to submit motions for debate and consideration by the conference. The conference votes on the motions submitted and also elects women…

Post-Congress 2013 Newsletter

The post-Congress 2013 edition of the SSTA Bulletin can be downloaded from here. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to open the Bulletin. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader it can be downloaded from


The new Council of the SSTA met briefly after Congress. The purpose was to elect a new Executive and Finance Committee. We announce the result below. Executive Euan Duncan (Ayrshire) Valerie Liddell (Renfrewshire) Ward McCormick (Ayrshire) Janine McCullough (South Lanarkshire) Anne O'Kane (Fife) Sid Sandison (City of Aberdeen) Finance Catherine Cavanagh (South Lanarkshire) Ward McCormick (Ayrshire) Lesley Roberts (Lothian) Sid Sandison (City of Aberdeen)

Survey of Members

A sample of members were asked to complete an on-line survey on their readiness to deliver N4 and N5 qualifications next session. The full results of the survey can be accessed at the following link: It is work noting that when asked “How confident are you in your ability to deliver appropriate course materials”, two thirds (65.3%) of respondents felt they were either ‘not at all confident' or ‘not confident'. When asked “How confident are you in your ability to…

Annual STUC Black Workers' Conference

Members who are interested in attending this event should contact Richard Goring, Professional Officer before 21 June 2013. The Conference will be held in the Menzies Hotel, Washington Street, Glasgow on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th October 2013. Delegates could attend on either or both days.

Annual STUC Youth Conference

Members and Associate members who are interested in attending this event and are under the age of 26 should contact Richard Goring, Professional Officer before Friday 24 May 2013. The conference will be held on Saturday 22 June and Sunday 23 June at the Mercure Hotel, Ingram Street, Glasgow. Attendance could be for either or both of the above dates. Although motions to be discussed cover a wide range of Trade Union issues, a number relate specifically to educational concerns.