Indiscipline Complacency

Today the Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association condemned the continuing complacency of Scottish Government towards the problem of indiscipline in Scottish schools. The Association called for a re-calibration of the extent of the problem and the resumption of the co-ordinated and government directed action that followed the publication of Better Behaviour Better Learning in 2001. Alan McKenzie, Acting General Secretary said “We seem to have lost our way a bit since 2001. There once was a clear path to progress set…

Supply Teachers

The Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association today expressed alarm at the reported crisis in providing supply cover in many local authorities. The Association has taken note of the reports in some quarters indicating that classes have been split up, doubled up and only supervised in significant numbers in Assembly areas thus being deprived of appropriate opportunity for learning and teaching. It has even been reported that network staff whose purpose is to support the most vulnerable of our young people are…

STSS Consultation

The Scottish Public Pension Agency has put out a Consultation on draft regulations for proposed employee contribution increases from April 2013 for the Scottish Teachers' Superannuation Scheme. Members can access the Consultation and information on how to respond to it via the SPPA website. The Consultation period is 20th December 2012 to 1st February 2013

Pension Proposal Condemned

Today the SSTA joined colleagues in other Trades Unions to condemn the launch of a consultation on proposed increases to contribution rates for Scottish teachers' pension scheme. Acting General Secretary Alan McKenzie said “It is disappointing that the Scottish Government has failed to recognise the vulnerability of the lower paid by being complicit in the UK Government's blatant cash grab. We had hoped for better things. We can only hope that the continuing negotiations on breaking the link with state…

School Car Park

The SSTA today announced that it is conducting a survey of local authority and independent schools acceptance of liability for injury sustained by employees in untreated car parking areas in schools. The Association is concerned that there are an alarming number of cases of injury being reported and the number of cases being pursued by the Association reflects this. Alan McKenzie, Acting General Secretary said “We have simply asked if these employers accept their responsibility for the care and welfare…

Council - 1 December 2012

1. Council approved the nominations of James Forbes (Midlothian) for President and Robert Macmillan (Fife) for Vice President. There being no other nominations both are duly elected for 2013-2015. Congratulations to both. 2. The following motions were passed. This Association applauds the principles of the Scottish Government's Modern Apprentice Scheme. We require however that if Modern Apprentices are to be accommodated within teaching departments in secondary schools this should only happen after proper consultation with all stakeholders, allocation of adequate…

SPPA STSS Circular 2012/10

The SPPA have today issued a circular to raise awareness of a cold calling phone scam and make clear that SPPA does not cold call scheme members and pensioners. The circular can be downloaded from the SPPA website

Retirement of Ann Ballinger, General Secretary

The Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association today confirmed the early retirement of the General Secretary, Ann Ballinger with effect from the end of December 2012 on health grounds. The Council of the Association had already been informed of Ms Ballinger's intention to retire early. Ms Ballinger was President of the Association prior to being elected as General Secretary in 2009. Alan McKenzie who has been acting up as General Secretary following Ms Ballinger's indisposition will continue as acting General Secretary pending…