SSTA concern over English Curriculum proposal

Today the SSTA expressed concern about the proposal to include as mandatory a list of Scottish text in the English Curriculum in Scottish Schools. Alan McKenzie Acting General Secretary said “a significant number of our members have contacted us questioning from whom this policy emanated and seeking clarification on its purpose. It seems surprising that such exhortation is necessary since English Curriculum in most schools include a significant number of Scottish texts. It would be interesting to identify just what…

Fixed Term Part-time Professional Officer

The Association invites applications for the post of fixed term part time Professional Officer. Initially the post will be for 3 months but this may be extended. The post will comprise 0.6 FTE. Applicants should have knowledge and experience of casework and an understanding of the ethos of the SSTA. The salary is £47,922 pro rata. More details may be obtained from the Acting General Secretary. To apply for the position, send a brief Curriculum Vitae to Closing date…

Work to Contract Campaign Suspended

Colleagues, Thank you for your support in our Work to Contract Campaign. It has been agreed by Council that it is now appropriate to suspend the campaign. This is because of the ongoing negotiation with Scottish Government aiming to effect a Scottish Solution to the pension dispute. Council felt that as a demonstration of good faith in the very real attempts by Scottish Government to provide a solution it would be appropriate to suspend our Campaign. It goes without saying…

A Future that Works - STUC March & Rally - Glasgow 20 October 2012

Why we're marching The STUC is organising a mass demonstration on 20th October in Glasgow. The event will coincide with a similar event in London under the banner ‘A future that works'. On the morning of Saturday 20th October, trade unionists and community activists from across Scotland will gather for a march through Glasgow to play our part in telling the Government that enough is enough. SSTA members will be welcome to join our group at any point, even if…

Health and Safety Representative Handbook

The Health and Safety Representative Handbook has been updated by the Health & Safety Panel. The Handbook sets out the key information and advice which H&S Representatives will need and gives help with actions that can be taken. The handbook can be downloaded form the Health and Safety section of the website. Health and Safety Section (Member only)

GTCs Consultation on Revision of Professional Standards

The Association will be making a general response to the GTCS Consultation on Revision of Professional Standards. Members may wish to give individual response. They can do this by visiting the GTCS website at

SSTA "Protect my Pension" initiative

I would take this opportunity to remind members that the Association will participate in the STUC “A Future that Works” March in Glasgow on 20th October. This will be a further opportunity to demonstrate our determination to defend our pensions. All members are invited to join the SSTA delegation. The proforma letter can be downloaded from the list below. The letter is available in three different formats, Microsoft Word, OpenOffice Writer and Plain Text. MS Word Version OpenOffice Writer Plain…

Work to Contract

Colleagues, SSTA representatives were involved in pension negotiations during the summer but there remains no immediate prospect of an acceptable offer. The very real threat to our pensions continues with younger teachers bearing the largest burden of this particular attack on our conditions of service. It is vitally important that the Work to Contract continues, and strengthens, throughout the next few months. Those previously arranged events and outings have all taken place and the Working Time Agreement provides our template…