Working to Contract – Advice from the SSTA

This advice sets out the context for working for contract and should answer all but the most complicated questions. If you have a query not answered by this information please do not hesitate to contact the Association at  The Legal Position – Informing the Employer The Association has complied with the legal requirement to inform employers: Results of the ballot A list of the workplaces where affected employees work The total number of affected employees Information about the type…

Ballot on Industrial Action Short of Strike Action

During the last 2 weeks of April members were balloted on industrial action to protect teachers' pensions. The question asked if members were willing to participate in ‘action short of strike action'. Only members known to be in employment were balloted. 85.8% of respondents agreed to action taking place. As a result of this Executive decided on Monday 30 April to declare a ‘work to contract' with effect from Monday 14 May 2012. Detailed advice will be sent to members…

Ballot on Industrial Action Short of Strike Action

At a meeting held on 3 March Executive and Council decided to ballot members on industrial action short of strike action, including a work to contract, in response to the attack on teachers’ pensions. It was clear from the consultation held during February that the majority of members wished to be balloted on a work to contract. This decision was taken in response to the unilateral decision to impose increases in pension contributions with effect from 1 April 2012, and…

March 2012 Bulletin

The post-March 2012 Council edition of the SSTA Bulletin can be downloaded from here. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to open the Bulletin. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader it can be downloaded from

Report on CfE by the University of Stirling

Article by the General Secretary, Ann Ballinger published in the Scotsman on Wednesday 11 April 2012 regarding a report on CfE published researchers at Stirling University's School of Education. This report into the development of the Curriculum for Excellence in local authorities is a long overdue and extremely welcome piece of work. This is the first available research into CfE, which is based on the experiences of teachers in schools across Scotland. Teachers have clearly articulated their enthusiasm for the…

University of Stirling announces new research into Curriculum for Excellence

Researchers at the University of Stirling have published their research into the implementation of the Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) in Scotland. The CfE is generally viewed as a landmark development in Scottish education which calls for a shift in classroom practices towards more pupil centred approaches to education. This is accompanied by a renewed view of teachers as professional developers of the curriculum and agents of change, and a new emphasis on flexible, local planning. Dr Mark Priestley and Sarah…

Cabinet Secretary announcement

Some weeks ago the Cabinet Secretary asked us for evidence of problems with the implementation of CfE. We responded by providing a catalogue of problems. It would appear that he has listened and some action has been taken. This morning the Cabinet Secretary announced some £3.5million of additional money to fund CfE. This amounts to £1285.82 per school, or just over £9,000 if only given to secondary schools. There is no indication of how this money will be spent and…

Working for Supply Teachers

During the last few months the Association's solicitor has acted on behalf of a number of members who are supply teachers. On each occasion the member has benefited from additional payments and better contractual conditions. Challenging this disgraceful treatment of supply teachers is difficult and we do not expect to win every case. The position will be discussed with individual members and any action agreed with be taken with their informed consent. The Association is committed to supporting all members…


Dear Colleagues, At the meeting held on 3 March Council agreed to participate in a day of strike action with other public sector unions on 28 March. It was also agreed that we would not take unilateral strike action but would move immediately to a ballot on 'action short of strike action' or work to contract. As a result of decisions made by other unions that the proposed action will not go ahead, Executive will not call a strike on…

CfE Audit

Earlier this month the Cabinet Secretary instructed his officials to undertake a ‘deep audit' of readiness to implement the third year of CfE. The audit was his response to the evidence provided by teachers of the work required to prepare properly for S3 of CfE. This audit is currently underway and members may well have been or will be asked to participate in the evidence gathering exercise. If you are invited to participate please give an honest and frank account…