Results of consultative survey regarding possible further industrial action

We achieved a response of 46% with 61.6% in favour of a second day of action and 38.4% against. The results are as follows: Q1. If the UK Government's final offer on pension arrangements were also to be made in Scotland, would you be in favour of accepting? Yes: 10.6% No 89.4% Q2. Are you willing to undertake a second day of strike action in support of the Association's opposition to the Governments pension proposals? Yes 61.6% No 38.4% Q3.…

Urgent message regarding consultation

We note the comments in TESS today concerning the consultation currently under way. These comments are incorrect. This Association is consulting all members currently in employment about the proposed changes to pension arrangements. Once the response is known members will be contacted about further action.

Take the schoolwear campaign to Westminster

The campaign group for Fair Trade Schoolwear have an opportunity at the Westminster Parliament to raise awareness of issues related to the supply of cotton. In particular they want to draw public attention to the plight of children in other countries who are denied an education and forced to work in the cotton industry. Early Day Motion 1284 "Human Rights and the Cotton Production Industry in Uzbekistan" refers to the hundreds of thousands of children forced to pick cotton in…

Appointment of Depute General Secretary

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Alan McKenzie to the post of Depute General Secretary of the Association from 31 March 2012. Alan taught in Dumbarton Academy and Lochgilphead High School before taking on the role of Principal Teacher, then Faculty Head, in Greenock Academy. He was President of the Association from 2003 to 2005 when both his leadership and humour quickly gained him the respect and affection of members. All those attending Congress during these years will…

Survey of Members

The Association is to carry out a survey of members to obtain their views on possible industrial action. The survey will be carried out online via a survey website. Invitations to take part in the survey will be sent out by email on Friday 17 February. Members who do not receive an email by Monday 20 February should contact the office at to provide an up to date email address. The closing date for the survey is 5pm on…

Response to Cabinet Secretary's Statement

Commenting on the "Future of Teaching Employment" statement by Michael Russell, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, SSTA General Secretary Ann Ballinger said: "This decision to end the Chartered Teacher Scheme devalues both the professionalism of teachers and the merits of teaching as a career choice. There is now no route for the experienced professional to develop his or her career and remain in the classroom. It also suggests that this decision is driven by the financial demands of…

Pension Dispute - Members' Update

Meeting of dissenting unions: 25 January and 1 February 2012 A formal offer has been made to public sector unions in England and Wales. Strictly it does not apply to Scotland but the UK Government will wish to see arrangements in Scotland which meet the Treasury’s financial targets. It is likely that the Scottish Government will use the England and Wales proposals as a working model. Education sector unions not accepting the Government’s terms and present at the specially convened…

Deadline to Nominate Education Stars Looms

Last chance to submit nominations for Scottish Education Awards People in Scotland are being urged to enter their local schools, nurseries or individuals into the Scottish Education Awards 2012 so that their exceptional achievements can be recognised. The deadline for submissions is Friday 2 March 2012. The awards, which celebrate the achievements of schools and teachers across Scotland, have attracted hundreds of nominations so far but many more schools and individuals are worthy of acknowledgment. Dr Alasdair Allan, Minister for…

Update on McCormac Recommendations

The SNCT is beginning the process of examining the recommendations made by Professor McCormac. Three groups have been set up to examine the main recommendations and agree next steps. None of these recommendations are accepted and they have not been implemented. They do not form any part of our current conditions of service. This Association has representatives on each of the working groups which began work in January (apart from the Group C which is still to meet). During the…

Pensions Contributions Update January 2012

Imposed Contribution Increases 2012 (2013 and 2014*) *The Scottish Government is still to consult on the Proposed increases for these years. The contribution increases for April 2012 have been imposed. The across the board flat contribution rate (currently 6.4%) will be replaced by a tiered system with the highest earners paying a higher percentage contribution rate Employers' contribution rate will remain unchanged. It should be noted that the tier relating to part-time teachers will be based on the full time…