New National Qualifications - October Update

Have Your Say – Latest Documents The latest draft documents for the new qualifications have now been published. Course Specifications for Access 2 and Access 3 are now available on the website and feedback can be given by 31 December 2011 on our Have Your Say page. A summary of all the feedback we've received to date is available here. The subject drop-down menu can be used to view the latest information for each subject. What’s Next? By the end…

Pensions - The Current Situation

As members will be aware, there has been discussion between the TUC and Treasury on the issue of public sector pensions. Additionally, the Independent Public Sector Pensions Commission, chaired by Lord Hutton, reported in March this year. The Report contained much which would be attractive to the Government. Current thinking on the two sides might be summarised as:- For the Government:- the Exchequer can’t (or won’t) continue to fund public sector pensions at the current level and needs to make…

Dealing with the McCormac Proposal and the Attack on Teachers' Pensions

The most recent attack on teachers’ conditions of service is encapsulated in the word flexibility. Professor McCormac believes teachers must be more flexible in their approach to every aspect of their employment. Conversely he recommends that employers reduce the flexibility of their approach by, for example, requiring skilled professionals to remain in the school during the pupil day. This report is, at this stage, simply a report. A series of meeting are being held by MSPs to assist them in…

SSTA to ballot on industrial action over changes to Pension arrangements

The Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association, representing over 9,000 Scottish teachers has determined to ballot its members on industrial action if the UK Government attempts to impose detrimental changes to teachers’ pension arrangements. At a meeting of the SSTA Council in Edinburgh on Saturday the decision to move to a ballot in such circumstances was unanimous. Speaking after the Council meeting, SSTA General Secretary, Ann Ballinger said:-“Teachers throughout the UK see the Government thinking on public sector pensions, not only those…

Attention Supply Teachers!

Working as a supply teacher and receiving the disgraceful remuneration agreed by another union in the sell out agreement (SOA), you will be very aware of the system now used to pay supply staff in differing authorities. We are now able to begin the process of collecting evidence of unfair treatment to enable us to legally challenge this disgrace. Many of you will have worked for at least a few days on supply contracts. Please email us with information about…

McCormac Review- The Report of the Review of Teacher Employment in Scotland

The full report of the McCormac Committee "Advancing Professionalism in Teaching - The Report of the Review of Teacher Employment in Scotland" is available to download from here A Summary of main proposals by the McCormac Committee is listed below. Annex B should be removed and all teachers work to a set of standards produced by the GTCS Annex E of the Teachers' Agreement should be removed All teachers should remain in school during the pupil day. Additional time should…

McCormac Review - Letter to School Representatives

Dear Colleague The results of the review by Professor McCormac and his Committee are due to be published on Tuesday 13 September 2011. These deliberations will take the form of a set of proposals delivered to the Scottish Government. The Education Committee of the Scottish Parliament will take evidence concerning the Committee’s proposals on 22 September. The Association will make its views known. It must be pointed out that the Government cannot negotiate directly with the teacher unions on conditions…

Pensions Update - Letter to School Representatives

Dear Colleagues Pensions Update I wrote before the summer holiday to inform you of discussions taking place with the UK Government with regard to proposed changes to pension rules. I informed you that discussions were under way at the UK Working Party on Superannuation (UKWP) but that no firm proposals had been tabled. That remains the position. The teachers’ side has demanded factual information which has not yet been received. Without this information the talks cannot reach a conclusion. SSTA…

Opportunities to contribute to the work of GTC Scotland

PDF Version of Advert GTC Scotland is the independent professional body that maintains and enhances teaching standards and promotes and regulates the teaching profession in Scotland. We are looking to appoint talented individuals, with appropriate skills and experience, to serve on our: Council (Lay Members) Adjudicating Panels (Registered Teacher and Lay members) Independent Appeals Board (Registered Teacher and Lay members) You will have an important role in: influencing and making key decisions that will help shape the future of teaching…

Education Secretary announces changes to Glow Network.

This afternoon, Michael Russell, the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, made an announcement outlining the Scottish Government's key objectives for ICT in education and his plans for the next generation of Glow. This included stopping the current Glow Futures procurement and utilising readily available tools, through a single sign-on, to make the next generation of Glow more relevant and dynamic. The key ICT in education objectives are: Changing the culture of use of ICT in education; Improving confidence…